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"Christ, that reeks." I said as we all got out of our cars that were parked in front of the CDC property. Dead, decaying, rotted bodies were all over the front yards and gates.

Dad handed my a shotgun and we started walking towards the CDC building.
"Stay close, baby brother." I said to Carl who was huddled right up to Mom.

"Stay close everybody." Dad said as we all got closer and closer to the front of the building. The doorways were closed off by metal shutters.
"There's nobody here." T-Dog said.
"Then why are the shutters down." Dad said.
"Walkers!" Daryl shouted as a walker trailed loosely behind us. But just as quickly as he noticed it, he shot it in the head with his crossbow.
"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl shouted.
"He made a call!" Dale said.
"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl shouted.
"Think you coulda done better? Huh? Shut the fuck up before more walkers hear you." I said as I walked towards Daryl.
"Rick, this is a dead end. Do you hear me? No blame." Shane said.
"Where are we gonna go?" Carol said.
"She's right. We can't be this close to the city after dark." Mom said.
"Fort Benning, Rick— Still an option." Shane said.
"On what? No food, no fuel. That's a hundred miles." Andrea said.
"A hundred twenty five. I checked the map." Glenn said.
"Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight, now." Mom said.
"We'll think of something." Dad said.

Shane started moving people back and telling them to get into their cars. But Dad and I stayed and noticed something.

"Did the camera just move?" I said.
"You imagined it." Dale said.
"No he's right. It moved." Dad said.
"Rick, it is dead man. It's an automated device. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on." Shane said.
"Security cameras don't move on their own." I said.

Dad started pounding on the shutters and screaming at the camera, begging for whoever's on the other side to let us in. Everyone else had lost hope. Everyone was panicking, shouting, trying to figure out what to do.

But then the door opened. A bright white light spilling out from inside. After a moment of disbelief, those of us with guns raised them up and we all slowly walked into the CDC.

"Hello?!" Dad and I shouted. Carol stayed behind me with Sophia under her arm.

"Hello?!" Dad shouted again and we heard the sound of a gun coming from a dark hallway. Those of us with guns pointed it towards the darkness.
"Anybody infected?!" The man shouted as he came into view. He held a rifle towards us.
"One of our group was. He didn't make it." Dad said.
"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man said as he got closer.
"A chance to survive. Some hope would be nice too." I said as I kept my shotgun aimed at the man.
"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man said.
"We know." Dad said.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." The man said.
"We can do that." Dad said.
"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed." The man said. A couple of our group grabbed all of our bags but I kept my eye on the man.


The man introduced himself as Dr. Edwin Jenner. He led us into an elevator and down into the main facility.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked as we walked down a hallway.
"Are you claustraphobic?" Jenner asked.
"A little." Carol said.
"Try not to think about it." Jenner said as we he stopped when we reached a room full of computers.
"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." Jenner said and the lights above the computers turned on.
"How the fuck?" I whispered to myself.
"Welcome to Zone 5." Jenner said as we followed him down a small ramp and towards the computers.
"Where is everybody? The other doctors? The staff?Dad asked.
"I'm it. It's just me here." Jenner said.
"What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Mom asked.
"Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them, welcome." Jenner shouted out.
"Hello, guests. Welcome." A computerized voice said over the intercoms.
"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner said.

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