Traffic Jam

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We decided to try out Fort Benning. We've been on the road for a couple days.

"Just thinking about our trip to the Grand Canyon with the boys." Mom said to Dad who laughed.
"I don't remember that." Carl said.
"Course not. You were just a baby. Didn't even make it to the Canyon before you got sick. But for a baby, you sure as hell puked more than I ever have." I said making Mom and Dad laugh.
"The doctor in Texas said you'd live. Then we turned around and drove home." Mom said.
"That sucks." Carl said.
"No, it was a good trip." Mom said.
"The best." Dad said.
"Can we go see it? The Grand Canyon? I'd like to." Carl said.
"I would too. Can we go?" Sophia said from the backseat as she sat with Carol.
"We'd never go without you and your mom. That's a promise." Dad said.

A few seconds later, the cars ahead of us slowed as there was a traffic jam of abandoned cars. We drove through as far as we could but didn't make it far. Dale's RV died, again.

We all got out of our cars and walked towards the RV.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water." Dale said as he walked in front of the smoking RV.
"Problem, Dale?" Shane said.
"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of- Okay, that was dumb." Dale said as Daryl started looking through the cars for anything we could use.
"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane said.
"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl said.
"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T-Dog said.
"Maybe some water." Carol said.
"Or food." Glenn said.
"This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this." Mom said.

We all looked at each other and decided to see if we can find anything useful. We split apart and I went with Mom, Carol, and the kids.

We walked through the cars seeing some dead bodies in some of the car seats.

"Don't look, kids." Carol said.
"Come on, baby brother." I said as I walked behind Carl.

We started looking through some suitcases. Carol found a red dress and laid it against herself, imagining how she would look in it. But Mom gave her a disapproving look.

"Ed never let me wear nice things like this. We're gonna need clothes." Carol said as she grabbed a suitcase.
"A shower would be nice too." I said as I looked through some clothes.
"Hey, Carl? Always within me or your brother's sight, okay?" Mom said to Carl.
"You too, Sophia." Carol said to her daughter.

We kept searching for a few minutes when Dad ran over to us.

"Lori! Mason! Under the cars! Carl, Sophia! Down, now!" Dad whispered. We all got underneath the cars. I was with Dad, Mom and Carol were together, and the kids were under two different cars.

The sound of growls and dragging footsteps got louder and louder until we saw the feet of the walkers dragging through the traffic jam. I kept my eyes glued onto Carl, making sure he didn't make any noise. And after what felt like the longest five minutes of my life, the groans finally stopped. At least we thought. One last walker was right next to the car Sophia was under which made her scream. The walker heard her and she decided to make a run for it with a second walker following her.

Dad got out and ran for Sophia. My shirt got snagged on a piece of metal from beneath the car but once I got free, I ran for Sophia as well. I jumped over the truck catcher but tripped and fell down the small slope that led into the forest.

I touched my forehead and saw blood on my hand. Whatever. I stood back up and ran into the forest. I heard my dad shouting so I followed his voice.

I saw him bashing one of the walker's heads in with a rock. As the other one approached him, I threw my knife at it, stabbing it right in the brain.

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