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We've been on the move for around eight months going house to house, hoping to find something stable. We drive less and less each day since the cars are running on fumes. My beards grown out and it's been a pain in my ass. Mom's belly is huge. Pretty sure Carl's thirteen now, too.

Daryl, Dad, and I were out hunting when we saw something that we had longed for. Shelter.

"Holy shit? Is that a prison?" I said.


There were walkers spread out across the yards separated by a bunch of fences but it's nothing we couldn't handle.

All of us rushed towards a fence and killed the surrounding walkers as Dad made a way through with some bolt cutters.

"Come on." I whispered to Carl and Beth as I let them go through the new hole in the fence before me.

Once we all made it through, Glenn used some rope to close the hole shut so no walkers can get in. We followed the walkway that was guarded from each side with fences until we made it to the first gate.

"It's perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight." Dad said as he looked at the front gate that lead to the actual prison building.
"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel said.
"I'll do it. You guys cover me." Glenn said.
"No. It's a suicide run." Maggie said.
"I'm the fastest." Glenn said.
"No, you, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop 'em through the fence." Dad said as he pointed back to the further part of the walkway.
"Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste." Dad said while pointing to the watchtower next to the hole in the fence that we made.
"Hershel, you and Carl take this tower." Dad said since we were standing right beside another watchtower.
"I'll run for the gate. Mason, take as many as you can in the field. If they become too much, go to the tower next to the gate. That's where I'll be." Dad said and I nodded.

Everyone went and did what they were told.

"You ready?" Dad asked as Mom was about to open the gate we were in front of.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as I chambered a bullet in my handgun.

Mom slid open the gate enough for the both of us to walk through and then closed it behind us.

"Alright, now." I whispered to Dad as he made a run for the gate and I ran into the yards.

"Over here! Come on, you undead freaks! Get yourself a free ass-whooping!" I shouted as I shot and stabbed the walkers in the yards.

Daryl, Carol, Hershel, and Carl were providing support from the towers which made my job easier.

Dad was able to close the gate and get into the watchtower so the only person out in the open was me.

"I'm right here! Get your asses over here!" I shouted to the walkers as I killed more and more.

After a grueling five minutes, Dad shot the last one. The sounds of shooting stopped and I felt a sense of relief that I haven't felt in months.

"Fuck yeah." I said as I caught my breath.

Everyone walked onto the field with smiles or sighs of relief.

"Hey, you okay?" Beth said as she walked over to me with a smile and gave me a hug.
"Never better." I said.


We parked the cars by the first gate. Nighttime fell pretty quickly so we were all eating around a big fire in the yard, except Daryl who was on first watch. And Dad who was walking around the fence.

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