CHAPTER 4: A Reality Check

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CHAPTER 4: A Reality Check

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CHAPTER 4: A Reality Check


Chemistry class was much easier than I expected, making me already enjoy it more. Not only did I share the class with my best friend, but Professor Jin made me laugh more times than I could count within the short hour class. She was the true definition of a teacher that I aspired to be, a teacher who loved their job and loved making students comfortable while learning.

"Remember Wooyoung, the advisor's office is the next building over, on the first floor. You can't miss it, I promise." Professor Jin smiled. "I'll see you on Wednesday.

I bowed with a smile. "Thank you Professor."

Yeosang and I walked out of class, him striking up a conversation as soon as we were a good distance away. "Do you want me to come with you? I don't have any classes until three this afternoon."

"No, I think I'll be alright. My last class is at one and it's only noon now."

"I'll just walk with you then. But, tell me about how San almost made you late? What exactly happened?"

I sighed. "I share Biology class with him, and unfortunately, I ignored him when leaving the class. Long story short, he cornered me in the stairwell... it seemed as though he was trying to kiss me..."

Yeosang's eyes grew wide. "Woah, really?"

"Yes, really. Now, I have to face him later in our room and I don't know what to do." I muttered.

"Maybe it was a one-time thing? Like a scare attempt or a prank?"

Pushing the building doors open, I nodded. "I can only hope so. It was really weird, but enough about that. Tell me about your cute roommate." I teased, wiggling my eyebrow.

Yeosang blushed deeply. "His name is Jongho, and he's an Art and Music major. We've been roommates since the beginning of summer...He's so strong, like he can break apples with bare hands! The only thing is that he's just really quiet and reserved..."

"Do you think he' know?"

"I'm not sure..." He sighed. "There are times where I think he might be, but then other times I don't see any signs... I'm comfortable enough just being his friend."

I smiled, realizing that we reached the Advisor room. "Well, as long as you're okay with that. I support you."

"Thanks, Youngie. Go on inside, I'll talk to you later."

Waving each other goodbye, I gently knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door opened and revealed what looked like to be a male graduate student, one who had red hair and hazel eyes.

"Wooyoung, correct?"

I nodded. "A-Are you my advisor?"

He smiled. "I am indeed, please come in."

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