CHAPTER 9: Time Waits for No One

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CHAPTER 9: Time Waits for No One

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CHAPTER 9: Time Waits for No One


Dance class ended exactly at 3, leaving me only an hour to get changed and make it to the Diner for my interview. The need to secure a part-time job was eminently dire, so this first opportunity was one I did not want to take for granted.

The faster I pay off my remaining debt for school, the better...

Walking out quickly from the studio, I made my way toward the dorm building without haste. However Yunho called out, briefly pausing me in my tracks.

"Woo, why are you in such a hurry?"

Shit...I don't want him to know or tell Yeosang...

I smiled, trying my best to keep my cool as I answered swiftly. "I have to get dressed and go somewhere with my mom. She's picking me up in a few."

Yunho raised an eyebrow curiously before nodding his head in understanding. "Really? Well in that case, don't let me stop you! Tell your mom I said hi!"

"Sure, see you later!"

Feeling comfortable enough with the conversation ending smoothly, I turned my walk into a slight jog, not wanting to waste another minute. Based on my phone clock, the time spent already during that small encounter took off five precious minutes.

"I need to leave campus in the next 15 minutes..." I muttered to myself while jogging. My legs felt like they were on fire from the routine learned in class, but it wasn't going to prevent me from making this interview.

Reaching the dormitory, I chose the stairs as my route that was adjacent to the elevator, eternally grateful for residing on only the next floor above. Once at my floor, I grabbed my key from my pocket and unlocked the door, revealing a bare-chested San doing sit-ups on the ground with his headphones on. Not bothering to question it, I dumped my backpack on my desk chair and proceeded to strip off my clothes while simultaneously placing my new set of clothes on my bed.

San removed his headphones with a curious eyebrow raise. "Where are you going in such a rush?"

"I have an interview at the Diner at four and I can't be late."

"Do you need a ride?"

I paused with my leg in one side of my pants, turning to him skeptically. "You have a car?"

"Of course I do." He smirked, but the smirk slightly faltered while pointing to his keys on his desk. "A gift from my late father actually...Got it a week before he passed..."

"I'm sorry for your loss..." I said softly. "I don't think I can take you up on your offer, though..."

San sighed, getting up from the floor before putting on a hoodie. "That offer was non-negotiable, Wooyoung. Take your time in getting dressed. I'll get you there."

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