CHAPTER 13: Dangerous Games

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CHAPTER 13: Dangerous Games

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CHAPTER 13: Dangerous Games


The sound of the dorm door slamming shut jolted me out of my sleep. Sitting up and stretching, I could feel the soreness around my neck and the lower half of my body. A faint blush grew on my cheeks as I remembered the events of last night, but another feeling slowly crept in as I processed every detail.


Glancing at my clock, the time was nearing nine in the morning. My art class wasn't until twelve, but I desperately needed to wash off the evidence of the night off my bare body. Everything that occurred was a mistake, one that faulted myself for giving into.

"Never again...I need to make that clear tonight." I said to myself in a hushed whisper.

Trying to get up off the bed, my knees buckled a bit from weakness, but I shook off the feeling as I made my way to the bathroom to shower. Standing in front of the mirror, I could see the afterglow radiating off my body as I examined myself in the reflection. Slowly tracing my fingertips on my neck, it was almost as if I could still feel the lingering sensation of his hand gripping it in a gentle yet possessive hold. My fingers trailing their way to my lips, and all I could remember was the feeling of his against my own. An unconscious smile grew on my lips from the memory, but quickly shuddering, I refocused my attention on the task at hand: a shower. "Get it together, Woo.."

Turning on the shower and waiting for it to warm, I stepped inside and began my routine. However, as I scrubbed each part of my body, my mind was clouded by reminiscing memories of San and his tender touch on my skin, a stark contrast to his usual cold demeanor. There was one particular feeling that I couldn't quite understand from the male.

Why did he take care of me...?

From past experiences from old partners, there wasn't one who would make sure I was able to find my release first or one who took the time to ensure my comfort after the act. It was always about them finding their own pleasure and not caring whether or not I got home safely. This was something new, and the thought of it made me feel uncomfortable.

Finishing up with my shower and hygiene, I stepped out of the bathroom towards my closet to choose my clothing for the day. Deciding on wearing another sweatsuit, I began to dress myself before the sound of my phone suddenly vibrating on my desk caught my attention. Quickly throwing on my clothes, I grabbed my phone and noticed a message from Sangie.

"Meet me downstairs in five minutes, and no excuses, I know you have class at 12 so there's plenty of time. Seonghwa and Yunho are also waiting."

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