CHAPTER 15: Mutual Agreement

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CHAPTER 15: Mutual Agreement

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CHAPTER 15: Mutual Agreement


Watching San storm out of the dorm room with the slam of the door, I instantly knew I fucked up as my heart sank at the sight. The intended purpose and meaning behind my words was to create a boundary between us as roommates, as we had unintentionally blurred the lines that we weren't meant to cross. However, using the word 'mistake' was the slip of the tongue, but the damage was already far gone as the word was laminated into the conversation accidentally.

Part of me wanted to go after him and explain my wrong choice of wording, but I figured it would only infuriate the male more than I already had done. Sighing to myself, I shook my head as I collapsed on my desk chair. "I'll just talk to him later when he returns."

Deciding to pass the time by studying for the Biology quiz tomorrow, I took out my book and laptop from my bag and placed them on my desk. It was a necessary distraction that was needed, and one that could hold me over until his return back to the room. All in all, the last thing I wanted was to create a tense atmosphere for the entire semester.

Within the span of just a few days, the amount of things that occurred between us was beyond my comprehension. From the first rude encounter on our night before starting classes to the rendezvous that occurred last night, there was something about him that I couldn't quite grasp. His exterior demeanor was cold and unapproachable, a protective guard that surrounded him without fault. However, he had moments where he showed genuine care and concern, even if the moments were fleeting.

Groaning to myself, I shook my head to focus myself on my own work in front of me. Academics were the forefront of my life, as my scholarship depended on keeping a certain grade point average through my entire stay at the University. There was also the need to secure a part-time job, so my second priority was doing well at my interview tomorrow at the retail store.

While immersed in my book and my notes, my phone suddenly vibrated on my desk. An eyebrow raised curiously as I read the message aloud to myself.

"Are you free? Hwa, Yunho and I are planning to get some dinner."-Sangie

I knew I was in no mood to eat anything after what transpired between San and I, so quickly typing a decline, I shut my phone off and continued my studies. My stomach was content with the granola bar from earlier, and the thought of a full meal made me feel nauseous. Although, it didn't take long for him to respond.

"Do you want me to bring you something? It can be something light?"

A small smile grew on my face at the considerate gesture, typing back a response of genuine approval. With a quick confirmation message coming in, I shut my phone off and allowed myself to get lost in my work.

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