CHAPTER 21: Genuine Adoration

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CHAPTER 21: Genuine Adoration

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CHAPTER 21: Genuine Adoration


Hanging out with Wooyoung was more fun that I had expected it to be, but it also wasn't a pure act of innocence either. Part of me wanted to figure out what was developing between him and San, especially since noticing a sudden shift of behavior between the two. It wasn't hard to spot, and after getting some answers in the form of blushes and smiles from the male, I knew there was a potential connection growing. All I wanted was for them to at least be able to live together without having any problems, but that seemed to be resolved.

In more ways than one actually...

Making my way back to my room, I noticed the sound of music playing softly from within as I approached the door. A small smile grew on my face as I stepped inside, silently watching my boyfriend paint another canvas of vibrant watercolors. Based on how his eyebrow crinkled on his forehead gave me all the answers I needed on how important this artwork was, likely another school project to complete or something more.

Slowly sneaking behind him, I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and whispered in his ear. "Penny for your thoughts?"

A chuckle left his lips as he leaned back into my embrace with a soft sigh. "Just felt inspired to do another painting, that's all..."

"So this isn't a project, but rather a burst of creativity?"

Hyunjin nodded, pointing to a covered canvas in the corner. "Pretty much...I already completed my project for class hours ago."

Curiosity grew in me as I released him from my arms and made my way over to uncover the work. With a gentle pull of the sheet, a smile grew on my face as I was deemed yet again the subject of the piece. Playfullt rolling my eyes, I turned to him. "I think your professor must be tired of seeing different variations of me by now, Jinnie."

"Contrary to what you may think, she loves them." He smiled, standing up from his chair before striding over to me. "Not my fault you're the perfect muse."

"You're annoying..." I mumbled, fighting back a blush.

"You love me, even if I'm annoying." He teased, placing a kiss on my cheek.

Rolling my eyes again, I laughed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Have you only been painting all day?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "No, I had to help San finalize some photos for his father's funeral this Sunday over the phone."

"Are you sure he doesn't want you to come? That seems like more than enough reason to have friends nearby..."

"Well," he paused, "San is more closed off than you think and the last thing I want to do is push him on a touchy subject. All I told him was that I was here if he needed me."

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