CHAPTER 7: Observations

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CHAPTER 7: Observations

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CHAPTER 7: Observations


Wooyoung and I walked out of class together, something I was actually quite surprised to even do. Next to him in stride, I could take in his sweet scent that I've already grown to adore. However, there was an awkward tension between us, with neither of us wanting to speak first. However, things quickly changed as I decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" I asked abruptly, mentally slapping myself for how desperate I sounded. Wooyoung froze in his steps, making me turn and look at him curiously. His face seemed to look pale at the sudden question, instantly making me start to worry.

With a small shake of his head, he smiled softly at me. "I'm not really hungry..."

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, not truly buying his answer. "Are you sure? I can pay if money is something you're concerned about?"

"I'm sure... thanks. I'll see you back in our room?"

"Yeah... see ya." I said quietly. With that, I watched as he turned and walked away.

Something is up...

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I noticed a notification from Seonghwa. Unlocking and clicking the message, I sighed to myself as I read the text.

"Meet you at Hongjoong's dorm in five minutes... I need to talk to you."

"To Hongjoong's dorm it is, then."

Making my way downstairs and out of the building, I slowly walked over to our shared dorm building. Hongjoong was one of my long-time friends since younger days, a person that could truly relate to my upbringing. Both of our fathers were well-known CEO's, but he took the path less traveled and focused on his own career of pursing music. Unlike myself who had an overbearing father that never let me have my own choices in life, Hongjoong's father was more understanding and supportive of his dreams. Nevertheless, we both stayed close and even traveled together to and from the states like brothers.

Stepping into the dorm building doors, part of me wanted to go to my room and check on Wooyoung. However, by the basis of Seonghwa's message, I knew time was of the essence and he was one person who took time seriously.

Pressing the 'up' button for the elevator, it didn't take long for the empty cart to arrive and open its doors to me. Walking and pressing the third floor, the doors shut and made it ascent to the marked destination. Once it reached, I made my way toward his room.

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