CHAPTER 17: Finding Normalcy

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CHAPTER 17: Finding Normalcy

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CHAPTER 17: Finding Normalcy


While conversation with Eunchae gave me a different perspective on the situation with Wooyoung, part of me decided to still leave a lingering mark on the male. It was inevitable that my once simple thought of intrigue had now manifested into something more, but I wanted to respect his wishes regarding our living arrangement. Being cordial, that was the idea, something that would preserve the peace for the semester. However, that didn't mean I couldn't keep a close eye on him and help out whenever the opportunity arose.

I could tell that the idea of being friends was a front on his end, a protective measure of sorts to keep things as normal as possible between us. Friends were something I was never good at making, let alone keeping. People were either associated with me by familial ties, business measures, or my play things that I would use whenever I felt bored and in need of sexual release. With my father's funeral on Sunday, I'd only be faced with all three without a choice for hours.

Wooyoung, however, was someone who didn't fit the category. All I knew from the moment I had a slight taste of him, the word 'friend' was a term unfathomable.

And I'll be damned if I get friend-zoned by him...

Now back in our shared room, the task of studying together was the priority at hand. Both of us had our laptops open, but my mind was still focused on ways I could slowly insert myself into his life without ever making him realize. The goal was to maintain the peace, but still grow close enough to be considered someone worthy of potentially more.

"San...are you even studying?"

"Huh?" I shook my head quickly to clear my thoughts. "Sorry...I was thinking about something.."

Wooyoung tilted his head. " you want to share?"

"It's fine, let's just focus on our work."

He took a moment to stare at me before sighing and shutting his laptop. "Whatever it was, it had you spaced out for over ten minutes. Therefore, I know you're not really in the right mindset to study."

"You were timing me?" I teased. "You were supposed to be studying yourself, Woo. Not focusing on me."

"Ha, ha." He deadpanned, placing his laptop next to him before looking at me with curious eyes. "You can tell me what it was. I promise I won't judge."

"It's not that important honestly...I just have my father's funeral to attend on Sunday."

Wooyoung looked at me wide-eyed. "San, what the hell? How is that not important?"

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