7' An intervention of some sort

43 2 20

Rick's POV

SOMETHING here really didn't feel right. I just got home, currently kicking my shoes off in front of the door. The way the ruffs and puffs were acting with each other.. wasn't right.

It felt like we, Becky and I, were always interrupting them, and not in the way you think. It's like we were interrupting their moments of.. intimacy? Is that the right word? Well, whatever. It didn't feel like we were interrupting practice.

It was so weird. They almost looked like... a couple? Or like people that were romantically involved in some way. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Yes, we need them to get along, but that much? I'm not sure. But I sure as hell will find out.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and dialed a number, Becky gave me one of the puffs contact just in case, I think it's the leaders. Blossom, I think.

After a couple rings, they finally answered.


"Hi, yes. Blossom, is it? This is Rick, the RRB's manager." I said, sitting on the couch and putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"Yes, Rick, I am familiar with who you are. Could I help you with something?" She chuckled over the phone.

"Right, my bad. I was just gonna ask you and your sisters to come over to the RRB's flat tomorrow afternoon. Let's say 3-ish. I'd like to talk to you all about your dynamic on stage and some ideas I'd like to share."

"Oh, well, I suppose that's fine. Sounds good to me." I could tell she sounded a bit nervous over the phone.

"Great! Here, let me just give you the address-"

"Oh, we already know it."

I raised my eyebrows in shock, "Pardon? You already know their address? And may I ask why?" I asked suspiciously.

She talked in a quick, rushed tone, "Um, right, it's because Becky gave it to us, after practice. She said just in case we needed to practice over there or something and to try and get along better. Yep."

I wasn't too convinced, but that's for tomorrow's discussion. "Ah, I see. Well, I'll be looking forward to see you all. Have a goodnight."

"Thanks, you too." And she hung up.

I still had another call to make though, calling up Brick, he's the only one who would actually answer, knew I had good thinking making him the leader.

He picked up almost right away, seeing as I rarely ever call, I mostly text, "Rick, my man. What's up?"

I rolled my eyes at the informality, "Brick, tell your brothers that the PPG is coming over tomorrow at 3. I have some ideas to help you all improve the way you guys act with each other on stage."

The other side of the line was quiet for a bit, "Um... okay. That's fine, I guess. I'll tell them. Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it. Goodnight, Brickhead."
He just hummed and hung up.

I dropped the phone on the table and stretched my arms behind my head, "Let's see what lame excuses you guys tell me tomorrow."

The Next Day...

AS I pulled up into the RRB's place, I saw a light pink 2013 Cadillac SRX parked in the driveway, I could only assume it was the pink leader's.

I got out my car and rang the door bell, one of the boys many helpers opening it for me, "Mr. Stevens, let me take your coat." I gave it to them and continued inside the place, the helper called out to everyone, "Sires, Mr. Stevens has arrived!"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, the help around here refuse to call me Rick, claiming it's 'disrespectful'. Tell that to those teenagers, will ya?

I walked into the den and there they all were, sitting quite awkwardly apart from each other. "Boys, Powerpuffs. Hello. Now, I'll cut straight to the chase, I'm not here for the reason you all think, I'm here to find out what the hell is going on between you all." I sat down in one of the chairs and clasped my hands together, leaning closer to them, waiting for a response.

Mitch was the first one to say something after some silence, "Um, what do you mean?" He scratched his head, Bubbles agreed with him, "Yeah, not trying to sound rude, Mr. Rick, but what are you talking about?" She looked a little nervous.

I sat back in the chair and crossed my arms. "Look, I am not here for games. Quit playing dumb with me. Yesterday, at practice, every single time Becky and I walked into a room to see how everyone is doing, you all acted so... weird. Very weird. There was so much tension between every single one of you.  And I am no fool, so I'm gonna put this in a different way. Are any, or all, of you dating each other? Or perhaps, like each other?" And the reaction I got was kind of expected.Na

Blitz got up from the couch and had his eyes wide, "What?! Us, and them?! Seriously?! I'd actually rather shit in my hands and fucking clap." How dramatic. Bunny also stood up, "Like any of us would want to date any of you bird brains. That's actually disgusting, I'm about to blow chunks just thinking about it."

Everyone else just nodded their heads in agreement, "Yeah, sorry Rick, but we're rivals. And quite frankly, they're way off from our type." Robin said, making a gagging face, Bell agreed, "Like wayyyyy off."

Brick scoffed, "Like you're ours? Get real, I'd rather kiss a fucking slug or something." Buttercup just snickered, "Awe, you'd be kissing one of your family members! Isn't that kind of incest, though? But hey, none of my business!"

The puffs just snickered, "Besides, they could never pull us, not even in their wildest dreams." Blossom said in between giggles, but the boys were definitely having none of it. "Like we'd ever want to go after you guys? We actually have some taste, thank you very much." Blaine fired back. "Plus, have you seen yourselves in the mirror lately, yikes!" Boomer started, "Yeah, surprised they actually let you leave the house like that." Butch finished with a chuckle.

I could see the girls ready to fire back, and the boys ready to retaliate but this is not what I came here for, no, no, no. "ENOUGH. I didn't come here to hear you all fight, if I wanted that I wouldn't even have summoned you all here today! Now listen to me very carefully, I'll believe you when you say you aren't romantically involved, but keep this thought in the back of your minds,"

"Don't. Fall. In. Love. With. Each. Other. That is all I'm asking of you. The company does not want that. Just do whatever else, be friends, lab partners, be in a fucking book club together for all I care! I'm not gonna question anymore about what I've seen yesterday, and I do not want to have to talk about it again. Understood?" I practically said that in one breath, but the looks on the kids faces make it worth it.

They all nodded, "Good. I'll be on my way out. See you all next practice." And waved bye.

I wasn't entirely convinced, but that's fine. I'm gonna make sure that nothing like this happens ever again. First, I need to make a few calls.

"Hey siri, call Jennifer." I slowly pulled out of the driveway.

"Calling Jennifer Santos.."

"Ricky! I haven't heard from you in ages. What's up?"

"Hey, yeah sorry about that. But listen, I have a proposal for you."

I could tell she was a bit skeptical, "Okay... I'm listening."

I smirked, "How do you feel about the ruffs and the punks together? You know, making them date for publicity. Your girls dating my boys would be good for their careers, dating one of the biggest boy bands in the world."

"Let's talk about this in person, I'm interested. Meet me at the Orchid Cafe, I'm bringing my girls."

"Perfect, I'll be on my way." And started to drive there, sorry puffs, but I can't let this happen. Not when my boys are at their prime.

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