15' Heartbreak Avenue

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Robin's POV

I really don't know what goes on in my sister's head sometimes. The way my body recoiled when those words came out of her mouth,

"Berserk, we'll do it."

Like WHAT?! Why are we giving up? Practically handing them to the enemy!

But knowing Blossom, she most likely had a plan. She always does. But honestly, she needs to tell us about it real soon because I'm this close to get a big rock and through it to the punks, and maybe a small pebble at Blossom. Just for fun.

"Bloss, you know I love you, right? But just exactly WHY did you say that?! I don't wanna break up with Blitz?!!" Bunny tried her best not to let her voice get too loud, but that failed, and many other people walking around us stared in confusion.

We were currently walking to meet up with the boys at a nearby café, in disguise of course. We look a little ridiculous, we didn't do much to get ready because we're about to break up with our boyfriends of 3 years, what's the point of wearing makeup if we're just gonna cry it all off?

"I don't wanna break up with Brick, either. But these girls aren't gonna stop at nothing to get what they want, it's sick. I'll explain everything later, I have a plan," She hesitated a bit, her pink eyes had a sad look, "and the first part of that plan is to do this."

"WAHHHH I don't think I could go through with this!" Bubbles wailed, clinging onto Bell who patted her head comfortingly, Buttercup sighed, "I... really don't want to do this either. My heart feels so heavy, I feel like I'm gonna break down as soon as I see Butch.."

She wasn't the type to express her feelings out in the open like this, especially about her relationship, so I took Buttercup into my arms, "I know, BC. Let's just.. get this over with." I am seriously throwing a humongous boulder at those punks, and another one at Princess. I could puke at the thought of her being all over Mitch.

We neared closer and closer to the café, the tension seemed to thicken, we walked in silence the rest of the way, the anxiousness kicking in all of us.

I bit my lip nervously as I saw the sign to the shop, through the window we could see them. Mitch... God, why did he have to be so gorgeous? This is all already hard, him looking absolutely beautiful doesn't help at all.

Why is the world so unfair?!

No One's POV

THE puffs walked into the cozy café, their moods dampening as they saw their boyfriends laughing amongst themselves, not knowing for what was about to come.

Boomer was the first one to notice them, "Hey! Wait.. hey? Why do you guys look so sad? What happened?" His grin faltered a bit after seeing the girls like that, gesturing Bubbles to come to sit next to him, but the girl took the seat directly across from Boomer, avoiding his concerned stare.

The rest of the puffs followed in that action, the boys just shared confused looks, but nonetheless, kept quiet and let them do as they pleased.

The girls all looked deep in thought, Blossom opened her mouth, letting out a shaky gasp of air before she spoke, "Um.." she gulped harshly, "Do you guys remember anything from last night?" She already knew the answer, but still, it would be like a dagger to the heart.

"Hmm.. not.. really? All I remember is going to see the punks and they totally crushed it! After that, I don't recall much-" That was all Blossom needed to hear, tuning out Butch's voice, his brothers agreeing with him, "Yeah, everything after that is a total blur, I don't know why I can't remember a thing." Brick adjusted the cap on his head, brushing his bangs out of his face.

𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 | ppgxrrbDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora