17' Soft Reds & Tears Shed

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Blossom's POV

I was gracefully [read: unpleasantly] woken up by my obnoxious alarm clock, Bubbles had gifted me it when we turned 13 and it played Replay by Iyaz when it went off, it was sweet and I loved it... but that was almost 7 years ago and the sound is very distorted and almost scary sounding.. but I didn't have the heart to throw it away.

So alas, I groggily got up and turned it off, sighing at the time, 8 a.m.

Even though Rick gave us a 2-week break.. after the.. erm.. events that happened last night, we, meaning my sisters and me, all came to an agreement and decided to tell them that we're feeling much better, even though we didn't and actually felt much worse, we absolutely can not let something like this happen again.

Yes, we may be broken up but seeing Berserk's lips on Brick's actually made me want to puke and I actually almost did last night, but I counted to 10 and took deep breaths.

I did cry, though. A lot. All my sisters did. We were just starting to feel better and more positive about this situation and then we saw that.

It's almost as if the punks knew everything, they knew how to mess up our moods exactly when we started to feel fine. It has to be a talent at this point.

Anyway, I have to get ready for these dumb practices. Well, they're not dumb per se, but I just don't think I'm ready to face them yet.

I'll probably cry seeing Brick and want to sock Berserk in the face as soon as I see it.

And boy, did I really want to do it.

I felt so bad for Brick, My Brick. He seemed so helpless when he was hypnotized by that, and please pardon my French, skank.

Normally I'm all for girls support girls, but this one made it physically impossible to not want to tear her big freaking hair out.

But also, I feel bad for the punks. A little bit. Before they got those weird amulets, they were nice, normal teenage girls. They looked up to us. They're being used, and it's sad.

I sighed, this world is so messed up, seriously.

I decided it was finally time to get up, slipping on my fuzzy pink bunny slippers (they were also a gift, okay!), and headed outside my room.

I knocked on all my sister's doors down the hallway to make sure they woke up, they all had their own alarms, but I'm so used to doing this.

Our parents always were at work when we would wake up for school when we still went, so it would be up to me as the oldest to make sure all my sisters woke up on time.

Most of them did, except for Buttercup. You have no idea how many fights we've gotten into for me having to wake her up. 0/10 do not recommend.

Once I knocked on all of the doors, I made my way back to my room and went inside my bathroom, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, moisturizing, getting dressed, you know, all that.

I was brushing my hair when Bunny came barging into my room, making me jump at the loudness of the door opening quickly, "Bloss, quick! Which pair of jeans make my ass look better?" She was in her pajama shorts, holding two pairs in her hands, one low-rise dark wash skinny jeans, and one light wash bell bottoms.

Bunny was one of the fastest out of all of us so in a flash she was wearing one pair and in another, she was wearing the other one. Once my heart started beating normally again I answered her, "Uhm, the skinny jeans."

"Thank you!" And with that, she was gone.
How silly.

I finished getting ready, putting in some effort to look nice, if I look good, I'll feel good and I really need the confidence today. This will be the first time we see each other in person after the breakup.

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