20' Broken Circles & Nonverbal Purples

20 1 13

Blitz's POV

BUNNY and I had just finished rehearsing our parts for our song. The songwriters thought it would be a great idea to sing parts with our counterparts because it would make the most sense.

And it would, don't get me wrong! I loved the idea at first, singing with my beautiful Bunny, you know, until she became my ex-girlfriend.

It still doesn't feel real. Us not being together.

I've known this girl for literally my entire life, all of my conscious memories include her.

The first thing that comes to mind when I wake up is Bunny, the last thing on my mind before bed is her.

Some part of me wants to believe that it was just a bad dream, a terrible nightmare. My mind still can't register that Bunny left me. It seems unnatural, us not spending the rest of our lives together.

One of my first memories is her. She understands me more than my own family.

How am I supposed to live without her? Bunny is the person who taught me what love felt like, just by being herself.

Loving her was something that came so naturally to me, like brushing my teeth every day. Something is always a part of my routine, my life.

And now she expects me to just be okay with it?

Hell to the fucking no.

It makes me angry, in a way. Not at her, but the way she just decided this for us. That all of them decided this for my brothers and me.

It doesn't make sense either, how can we be all up on each other one day, and the next she wants to break up with me?

I'm not the smartest, I know that, but I do know that this can't possibly be something they thought of on their own, it's like someone else made the decision for them.

But the thing is, they complied. For God knows why.

On top of everything, I'm just sad. I miss her. I'd consider her my soulmate, twin flame, whatever the fuck you want to call it.

Bunny is my person. I know her like the back of my hand. I love everything about her.

How even though she has her license, she's still scared of driving. How she hates the color magenta, and the way she falls asleep to Lofi music, every night without fail. The fact that she still has a paper airplane that says "You look okay today, or whatever." from me when we were 10. How she has the cutest little tooth gap, and has a small little bunny tattoo on her hip. Of course, that sight is reserved for me and me only.

Call me crazy, crazy in love, or whatever, but there's no way I'm ever giving up on her.

Even if in the next 20 years if we never got back together and she's with some loser with 3 kids and a pet rabbit, I don't think I'll ever be able to leave her alone.

Not in a crazy stalker-ish way!

More in a I just can't let the only person who ever really understood me in ways no one else ever could go way? I don't know. Something like that.

Anyway, we still have an hour or so left of practice, and usually, we would just spend the time just... you know... makingoutorwhatever....

But of course, that will not be happening today.

As I stare at the girl sitting in front of me, not even looking at me in the eye, with her head hung low, I can't seem to blame her for anything.

I just want her to talk to me. That's all I want, all I've ever wanted.

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