Chapter 2

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Jungkook: "I... I..."


Both Jungkook and the guy startle, Jungkook instinctively hides behind the other guy.

Taehyung : Spill it, both of you! And Jimin, why are you here?

Jungkook (whispering): "You take this one. I'm not dealing with him."

Jimin : Visiting my bestie. By the way who's this pizza ninja?

Taehyung: "No time for interrogations, Jimin. I'm exhausted." Begins heading to his room, then halts abruptly, redirecting his attention to Jimin and Jungkook, who are engaged in a stare-down.

Taehyung: (feigns a cough) "Both of you... My place better be spick and span by the time I'm out of the shower. I don't care who caused the chaos, but I want my house cleaned."

Exits the scene, leaving Jimin and Jungkook with the task of tidying up.
Underneath his directive, there's a subtle hint of jealousy as Taehyung notices the lingering glances exchanged between Jimin and Jungkook.
Meanwhile, as Tae enjoyed a leisurely shower, Jungkook and Jimin efficiently cleaned up the mess. Exhausted, Jimin flopped onto the sofa with a thud, casting a weary glance in Jungkook's direction.

Jimin: "Woah... I regret making him my friend." In a playful tone "Hey Jungle Book, could you make some coffee for me, please?"

Jungkook : Of course Mini Mini, sure

Jimin: "My name is Jimin, not Mini."

Jungkook: "My name is Jungkook, not Jungle Book. (Mini-mini suits you more than your real name) . I'll make you coffee."

Meanwhile, Tae emerged from his room clad in bottoms and a T-shirt, only to be stunned by the scene before him: Jimin back-hugging Jungkook.

Tae's stomach churned with jealousy, prompting a fake cough to grab their attention. Jimin, catching Tae's glare, swiftly moved away from Jungkook, sensing the unexpected tension.

Jimin: "What's up, Tae?"

Tae, trying to conceal his jealousy, managed a strained smile. Meanwhile, Jimin noticed the lingering doubt in Tae's gaze.

Jimin (whispering to Jungkook): "Dude, did I miss something? Why is Tae looking like he just walked into a K-drama love triangle?"

Jungkook : How do I know?

Jimin chuckled, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Tae's jealousy might be more than just a misunderstanding.
Jimin, sensing Tae's jealousy, decides to playfully tease and make him more envious.
Jungkook peacefully reading a book. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, Jimin initiates light physical contact, attempting to provoke a reaction from the seemingly cold and reserved Tae.
Jimin, strategically positioning himself closer to Jungkook, engages in casual touches, whether it's a friendly pat on the back or a brief hand on the shoulder. Meanwhile, Jungkook remains blissfully unaware of the underlying dynamics.

Jungkook didn't bother about Jimin because he thought Jimin is trying to make him angry, so he remained silent.

Tae, observing this playful interaction, feels a growing unease. Despite his efforts to maintain a distant demeanor, the touchy exchanges between Jimin and Jungkook stir something within him. The unidentified feelings he harbors become more pronounced, manifesting as a subtle tension.

As Jimin persistently amps up the playful physical contact, Tae's stoic exterior begins to crack, revealing the internal conflict caused by the growing emotions he's yet to fully comprehend.

In the living room, the atmosphere held a peculiar tension. Jimin, ever the mischievous one, decided to have a bit of fun at Tae's expense. .

Jimin, smirking at Tae, casually strolled over to where Jungkook was sitting, nonchalantly placing a hand on his shoulder.

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