Chapter 18

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Taehyung hurriedly gathered his team, the urgency in his every move reflecting the intensity of his emotions. Jimin and even RM joined forces, ready to face the looming threat.

Jimin: (concerned) Tae, we'll find him. We have to.

Taehyung: (determined) We will. No one hurts him and gets away with it.

As they prepared for the mission, Taehyung couldn't shake the image of Jungkook's battered face from his mind. The memory of their love, the warmth of their shared moments, fueled his determination to rescue Jungkook from the clutches of those who sought to harm him.

The night unfolded with a sense of urgency and tension. Taehyung plunged into the darkness, ready to confront whatever awaited him.

Hours passed like eternity. Every second without news of Jungkook felt like an eternity, testing Taehyung's patience and resolve. Even after hours of search they couldn't find a clue. A single clue of Jungkook or his captors.

On the other side Yoongi thought to rescue Jungkook in his way but since he or Taehyung couldn't find where Jungkook is, Yoongi decided to do as he told by the captors,

he love his brother no doubt but he wasn't that fool to go to his brother's captors without leaving a trace.
A tracking chip inside his body. He activated it before going to the address he was summoned.
There were two bulk men standing for Yoongi. As soon as Yoongi stepped down from his vehicle they cuffed his hands and blind folded his eyes before pushing him inside a vehicle. Yoongi knew Taehyung and RM will come for them using the tracker.

On Taehyung's side,
A breakthrough came-a location, from Yoongi, as they can see the tracker is moving, Taehyung assumed either Yoongi knew Jungkook's location or He's proceeding as per captor's plan. Taehyung and his team moved with precision, following the direction.

As they approached the destination, tension hung thick in the air. The ominous silence was broken only by the distant hum of the city. Taehyung's heart pounded, a mix of fear and anticipation.

Upon arrival, they stealthily infiltrated the hideout, moving like shadows in the night. Taehyung's senses were heightened, every nerve on edge. The rescue mission had begun.
Taehyung rushed inside while Jimin and RM covering him from the rival gang. Gun sounds were echoing in the background But Taehyung couldn't careless. He only wanted to see his baby at the moment.

When he entered the large iron door, he saw Yoongi tied to a iron rod. His face was bruised but not that much as they just tied him and started to beat few minutes before Taehyung's arrival.

Taehyung : Yoongi are you OK?
Taehyung shot the hand cuff while asking Yoongi.
Yoongi: (whispered hurried) thank you Tae, I am perfectly alright but I didn't see Jungkook not even a glimpse. Go search for him he must be somewhere in.
And be careful some are hiding with weapon.
Taehyung nodded and rushed to search Jungkook meanwhile Yoongi joined RM and his team to take everyone down. To their surprise, they are lot with heavy weapon.
As RM's team is very well trained and powerful they used rival gangs weapon to take them down.

On Taehyung's side,
He reached the basement to
Be frozen on the spot. He couldn't move not even his finger.

In a dimly lit room, he found Jungkook, tied to silver chains, upper body was naked and decorated with cuts. He was bleeding but still breathing. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, he came to sense and he rushed to free Jungkook from his restraints.

Taehyung: (whispering) Love, it's me. You're safe now.

Jungkook's eyes flickered open, a mix of pain and gratitude in his gaze. In that moment, surrounded by shadows and uncertainty, Taehyung held Jungkook close, vowing to protect him from any darkness that dared to touch his love.

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