Chapter 6

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Jimin, engrossed in the database search, suddenly exclaimed, "I found something."
"the owner of the gun"

Taehyung, turning his attention to Jimin, inquired eagerly, "Who is it?"

Jimin, with a grave expression, responded,

"The owner of the gun is someone they call the 'Shadow Master.'"

Jimin : "There is no way we could catch him, He's been like a ghost in the underworld for the past three years."

The weight of Jimin's revelation settled
in the room, but Jungkook's
reaction that caught Jimin's

Jimin :"Jungkook, what's wrong?" He rushed to Jungkook, which made Taehyung to rush to Jungkook as well.

Taehyung : "Hey sweetheart, what happened? Are you feeling sick?"

Jungkook: "No Tae its just... I am alright...."

Though Jungkook tried to mask his emotions, his racing heartbeat betrayed the fear that surged within him.

Jungkook : "So, do you know... who is this Shadow.. Master.. is?"

Jimin: "No but, have heard about him alot. He's a notorious figure, known for staying in the shadows. Very few have seen him and lived to tell the tale.

For some reason Jungkook started sweating profusely, which worried Taehyung alot.

Tae: "Pup, something's bothering you?

Jungkook, attempting to reassure Taehyung, said, "Nothing is bothering me, Tae. I'm good."

However, Taehyung, despite the words, sensed the unease lingering in Jungkook's eyes. Choosing not to press further in that moment, he decided to give Jungkook space.

Tae: "Alright, baby. Just know that I'm here if you ever need to talk."

Jimin, eyes fixed on the screen, exclaimed, "I think I've found a lead to get closer to him."

Taehyung, leaning in, asked with a sense of urgency, "Tell me, Jimin. What is the lead?"

Jimin, tapping a key with determination, responded, "We need to trace his recent activities. There's a pattern in his movements. If we follow that, we might catch him."

Jungkook, still grappling with the revelation, chimed in, "But how do we know... I mean... No one is out there who saw him, right?"

Jimin: "The Shadow Master has certain connections, Jungkook. We can exploit the network. If we gather intel on his associates, we might find the key to predicting his next move."

Taehyung, his mind working in overdrive, suddenly interjected with a spark of insight.

Tae: "Wait, I remember a contact who used to be close to the Shadow Master. If we approach them carefully, we might get information without alerting him."

Jungkook :WHAT... I.. I mean... that?


Tae: "It's someone I dealt with in the past. They had ties to the Shadow Master. If we play our cards right, they could be the key to unlocking more about him."

Jungkook : "wht is the name of that person?"

Jimin: " Who is it Tae?"

Tae: "Jimin do you remember Hyejin? We helped him once when his place was under attack."

Jimin :" Hyejin?.... Oh yeah I remember, but Tae are you certain that he have seen Shadow Master?"

Taehyung :" As far as I know, No, But we might get some useful information from him.... Let's go and meet him tomorrow"

They left the Tae's work space and left to hospital. RM, still at the hospital, was briefed on the progress they had made, emphasizing the cautious approach needed in dealing with the Shadow Master.

Exiting the hospital, Jimin bid farewell and headed to his own residence, while Taehyung and Jungkook, went to their house.

On the drive back, Jungkook voiced his concerns, questioning Taehyung's confidence in their contact, Hyejin.
Jungkook: "Tae, are you certain about Hyejin helping us?"

Taehyung, focused on the road, responded, "As certain as one can be in our line of work. We need every lead we can get."

Arriving at Taehyung's home, as they both didn't eat, Jungkook cooked for themselves. After dinner Jungkook gave Tae a glass of milk as usual before Tae sleep.

Tae was hell tired. He drifted off to sleep very soon. But sleep is far away from Jungkook.

Morning Tae opened his eyes and saw Jungkook looking out of the window.
Tae stood up from the bed walking towards Jungkook and hugged him from back.

Tae: baby, you woke up early.
Jungkook shook his head as no. Tae turned him and looked into Jungkook's eyes.

Tae: you didn't sleep whole night?
Jungkook kept starring at Tae's eyes, with his tearfull eyes.

Tae wiped the tears from his cheeks and softly ran his thumb on Jungkook's cheeks.

Taehyung: it's too early, sweetheart. Come and sleep.

Tae laid on bed with Jungkook on his chest. Tae keep stroking Jungkook's hair which made the youngest to fall into a slumber.

Later that day, the trio's Jimin, Jungkook and  Taehyung went to meet Hyejin.

Once they reached the place Taehyung clenched his fists with seething anger.

Tae: "Damn it! We were on the verge of catching him. Shit!"

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