Chapter 9

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As the echoes of torment filled the basement, the heavy door swung open, revealing Jungkook rushing in with tears streaming down his face, followed by Jimin, who is now in shock seeing his bestest friend's state.

Jungkook: (panicked) Stop! Stop hurting him!

RM, startled by Jungkook's sudden entrance, momentarily halted the aggressive questioning. The room was thick with tension as Jungkook confronted the distressing sight of Taehyung's battered state.

Jungkook: (pleading) Please, he's telling the truth. Taehyung would never betray you. It's... It's me.. I... I destroyed the evidence, not him.

RM, caught off guard by Jungkook's admission, shifted his focus from Taehyung to the younger member of their group.

RM: (furrowing his brows) What? Why would you do that?

Taehyung: "No, Jungkook. Stay silent. Jimin, take him away from here."

As Jimin moved to take Jungkook away, RM intervened with an air of cold authority. He approached Jungkook, the weight of disappointment and suspicion heavy in his gaze.

RM: "Jungkook, you've been a spy among us. Why?"
Jungkook, refusing to meet RM's eyes, remained silent. The air in the basement thickened with the unspoken tension as RM pressed for an answer.

RM, his voice edged with frustration, demanded, "Why, Jungkook? What led you to betray us? I saved you and kept hidden from the people who tried to kill you but... But... WHY?

RM, his frustration boiling over, took a step closer to Jungkook.

RM: (angrily) Answer me, Jungkook! We trusted you, and you've been deceiving us all along.

RM, his frustration boiling over, took a step closer to Jungkook.

RM: (angrily) Answer me, Jungkook! We trusted you, and you've been deceiving us all along.

Jungkook was silent, tears streaming down his face. RM had enough of his silence.

RM: Jimin, bring me the steel chains.

Jimin: (hesitant) Boss...?

RM: Do what I say.

Taehyung: RM, don't hurt him. He... He's lying. It's me. Please...

Jungkook: (pleading) No, Tae, it's me. Don't try to save me... Aaahhh.

RM, fueled by anger and betrayal, pulled Jungkook and tightened the chains around Jungkook's wrists. The metallic clinks echoed in the dimly lit room, drowning in the oppressive silence.

RM: (harshly) You thought you could deceive us and destroy everything we've worked for? Explain yourself, Jungkook!

RM started to whip Jungkook.

Taehyung: "No, RM, please! Don't do this. He's... he's my boyfriend. There must be another way."  Taehyung screamed but all his screaming went unheard by RM.

RM: (angrily) You think you can remain silent and protect someone who's manipulating us all? Speak, Jungkook!

Jungkook, his face bruised and battered, finally spoke, his voice barely audible.

Jungkook: (painfully) : I... I.. C... can't sssay.

Taehyung, torn between pleading for mercy and understanding the dire need for answers, watched with a heavy heart. His voice, a desperate plea, cut through the room.

Taehyung: "Stop! Please, RM. He won't talk, and hurting him won't change that."

As Jungkook fainted because of unbearable pain, panic gripped Taehyung. In the tense aftermath, RM, turning to Taehyung with an angry glare, demanded answers. He came near Taehyung and unlocked him from the chains.

RM: "You know this don't you? When did you find out? And why didn't you tell me when I tortured you?"

Taehyung, his eyes fixed on Jungkook's unconscious form, responded with a heavy heart.

Tae: "An hour before your call. I didn't tell you because..." (his voice wavered as he glanced at Jungkook) "I don't want this to happen. I don't want him to get hurt."

RM: "How did you find out?"

Tae: "I found a new email ID on my own PC. The account was meticulously clean, but my instincts kicked in. Using my hacking skills, I delved deeper. That's when I unearthed the truth – it was... It was.. Jungkook's. He had been using the email ID to relay information about our investigations, aiding the path to the Shadow Gang"

RM, perplexed and angered, demanded further clarification.

RM prepared to splash cold water on the unconscious Jungkook, Taehyung's protective instincts kicked in. He rushed to Jungkook's side, enveloping him in a tight embrace, a shield against the impending harshness.

Tae, his voice laced with desperation, pleaded with RM.

Tae (cracked voice) : "Stop, RM! Please, I'll help you to make him talk. Just don't hurt him any further."

Tae, holding Jungkook protectively, continued his plea, his voice wavering with a mix of fear and determination.

Tae: "I promise, RM. I'll find out who's manipulating Jungkook, who's pulling the strings. But hurting him won't get us the answers we need. Let me handle this."

Time skip

As Jungkook stirred back to consciousness, the world around him slowly came into focus. He found himself cradled in Taehyung's protective embrace, the residual warmth offering a stark contrast to the harsh reality that unfolded before.

Jungkook, disoriented and groggy, glanced up to meet Taehyung's worried gaze. The weight of unspoken apologies and the echoes of betrayal hung heavily in the air.

Tae, breaking the heavy silence, spoke with a mix of relief and concern.
Tae: "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Jungkook, still grappling with the aftermath of the revelations, struggled to find words to articulate the storm of emotions that raged within him.

Jungkook, his mind still foggy from the unconsciousness, tried to piece together the fragments of what happened.

Jungkook was scared of Tae leaving him.
Tae, sensing Jungkook's internal struggle, held him tighter in a gesture that spoke volumes of a complex connection.

Without saying anything Tae pressed his lips on Jungkook's forehead.

RM, standing at a distance, observed the duo with a mix of stern resolve and a tinge of regret. The lines between friendship and duty blurred, leaving them standing on the precipice of an unpredictable future.
As RM approached the duo, his voice softened with a mix of concern and confusion.

RM (soft voice) : "What happened to you, Jungkook? Why did you do this?"

Before Jungkook could offer an explanation, the room echoed with the unmistakable sound of gunfire, shattering the fragile peace that momentarily settled. The sudden eruption of violence shifted the focus from internal conflicts to the immediate external threat, injecting urgency into an already tense situation.
RM, Taehyung, and Jungkook, their expressions mirroring a collective apprehension, turned towards the source of the commotion, instinctively bracing themselves for the storm that threatened to engulf them.

?? : "Dare to hurt my baby, RM?"

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