Chapter 7

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Hyejin and their associates lay lifeless, victims of an unknown assailant.

Jungkook, while understanding Taehyung's frustration, couldn't shake an unexpected wave of relief.
Jungkook: "Tae, I get it's terrible, but maybe it's a warning. Maybe.... Maybe..we have to... Stop..."
Taehyung : stop? Are u serious Jungkook? They tried to attack RM. At any cost I will find that Shadow Master.


Taehyung's eyes burned with determination as he retorted, "Jungkook, I can't afford to back off. I need to protect RM and unveil the Shadow Master's identity before it's too late."

Jungkook, frustrated, shot back, "But at what cost, Tae? We're risking our lives,  We can't be reckless."

Taehyung(voice hardened): "Reckless? Jungkook, they attacked us first. We can't let them intimidate us. RM's safety is MY priority."

Taehyung, unwavering, declared, "Jungkook, I can't stand by while RM is at risk. We need to confront this threat head-on."

Jungkook, eyes reflecting his fear, replied, "But what if something happens to you, Tae? I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Taehyung softened, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "Kook, I understand your worry, but I can't let fear dictate our actions. We'll watch each other's backs."

Jungkook, voice trembling, confessed, " Tae. I'm scared of losing you, too. I can't imagine my life without you."

Taehyung, sincere, pulled Jungkook into a tight embrace
Taehyung : "We'll get through this together, Jungkook. I won't let anything happen to either of us. But we can't back down now."

The untimely demise of Hyejin and his men left them with a bitter taste of defeat, intensifying their resolve to outmaneuver the elusive figure they pursued.
In the wake of the devastating setback at the warehouse, the trio gathered to reassess their strategy. Frustration and determination intermingled as they pondered their next move.

Taehyung, still seething with anger, voiced his frustration.

Tae: "We can't let this setback derail us. There must be another angle, another lead."

Jimin, always pragmatic, suggested,
Jimin: "Maybe we need to look into the past dealings of the Shadow Master. See if there are any patterns or connections that could give us a clue about his next move."

As Jimin's suggestion set their course, the trio delved into the intricate web of the Shadow Master's past dealings. However, with each clue they unearthed, a disheartening pattern emerged – dead ends at every turn.

Jimin, perplexed by the lack of progress, expressed his frustration.

Jimin: "I thought tracing his past would lead us somewhere. It's like he's covered his tracks too well."

Taehyung, his patience wearing thin, added, "Someone is deliberately shutting down our leads. This isn't a coincidence."

Jungkook, though typically vocal, remained silent, his thoughts shrouded.


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