Chapter 14

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Taehyung came back 4 hours later and slept in the couch in living area. He woke up late in the morning. He looked around to get a glimpse of Jungkook but no, he was not there. He didn't think much as Jungkook love to be in terrace most of the time.

Taehyung took a shower and wore a tee pairing with a bottom as he has no work today outside, ok maybe he canceled all the meetings and programs because he wanted to talk to Jungkook.
When he was about to leave the room his eyes met with a folded paper on the bed. Ok, now he is scared a bit.
His hands trembled so bad when he was opening the letter.

To My Only Love,

Hey love, I found something interesting about us, I found that I am the most selfish one between us. Want to know why? Because I am leaving... Leaving because it hurts so much. I would have been gone when you were reading this Tae. I am choosing to run away from the pain instead of fighting for us. I couldn't bear this anymore Tae, i am so addicted to your attention and love, now I feel so empty without it. It hurts me so much. I need your hug so badly but i can't have it even we both live under same roof. I don't feel like I m at home anymore, these walls didn't give me the warmth, comfort and protection but you, you are my home Tae now I am homeless. I don't know what else to say Tae, i am taking our memories with me so you could live in a jungkook free house. I miss you so much, I love you more than anything Tae. Goodbye Tiger.

Taehyung: (whispers) No, no, this can't be happening.

He sank onto the bed, the letter clutched tightly in his hands. The weight of the words pressed upon him, and he found himself enveloped in a profound sadness.

Taehyung: (softly) "Jungkook... why?"

Taehyung: (whispers to himself) "He left... just like that."

The room, once filled with the warmth now felt cold and desolate. The pictures on the wall, the memories of their love, were gone.

Taehyung: (strained) I can't believe he's gone.

The room echoed with a haunting emptiness.

Taehyung stood up abruptly as a realisation hit him harder, he rushed inside the wardrobe to change his dress before moving out of the house.
He rode his bike towards Yoongi's place.

Arriving at Yoongi's residence, Taehyung frantically knocked on the door, the echoes resonating through the silent night. The door creaked open, revealing a groggy Yoongi, startled by the unexpected visitor.

Yoongi: "uh... Taehyung? Right?"

Yoongi asked to confirm as he hasn't met Taehyung officially.

Taehyung: "Yes,-"
Yoongi : "Man.. I was so waiting to meet you... Come in..." Yoongi let Taehyung in before closing the door and he directed Taehyung to the bar setup at his home.

Yoongi: "I didn't expect you , by the way How's my lil one? That brat didn't even come to meet me." he was pouring wine in a glass while talking to Taehyung.

Taehyung:"He is not here?" Yoongi turned around and frowned at Taehyung.

Yoongi: "Why are you asking me that when he is at your home?"

Taehyung:"He... He is not there when I came back"

Yoongi panicked,
Yoongi:"Did someone.... Someone...-"

Taehyung :"No... He left by himself"

Yoongi was hell confused at the moment.

Yoongi: "What do you mean by he left?"

Taehyung : "He left. He left a letter, and I don't know where he is. I need to find him."

Yoongi's eyes widened, and concern etched across his face as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Yoongi: "Why? Where could he go?"

Taehyung:"I don't know, Yoongi. He didn't mention where he was going."

Yoongi: "We need to find him as soon as possible, it dangerous for him to be alone. Did he mention anything in the letter that could give a clue?"

Taehyung handed the letter to Yoongi, who quickly scanned its contents.

Yoongi: "This doesn't tell us much. We need to think. Where could he go?"

Taehyung and Yoongi spent weeks tirelessly searching every possible place Jungkook might have gone.

Taehyung was tired mentally and physically. He took a cold shower and went inside the wardrobe, he found Jungkook's hoodie. He took one and wore it. It doesn't have Jungkook's scent, because it was washed how can we expect Jungkook's scent, he is not a warewolf to have that strong scent nor Taehyung is, to have a strong smelling sense. But still he felt like he is surrounded by Jungkook. Weird, right? yeah, love makes people weird.

He went to bed and laid back thinking about everything happened, last few months in his life both blessed and cursed for him.

Jungkook :"Hyungie, I love this place so much, I feel so calm and relaxed, can we come here often?"

Taehyung : "Anything you want baby"

Jungkook : "woah hyungie, look at the waterfall, come let's go and play under the water"

Taehyung : "Bub it's cold"
Jungkook :"I don't care, come, come, come, come"
Taehyung :"OK ok baby, don't jump you may slip as the rock looks slippery, come lets go under the water"

Jungkook: "hyung, come here, why are you standing there?"
Taehyung : "Because I want to live longer, it's freezing I am not coming"

Jungkook: "I am going to have fun then"
Taehyung : "careful bub"

Jungkook :"hyungie, didn't you say its freezing, then what are doing here?"

Taehyung :"now..i feel super hot"
Jungkook:"Hyu- ah.. What..."
Taehyung : "Your shirt is transparent, right now You look so hot"
Jungkook : "Hyung... Ahh.. Stop.."

Taehyung opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. It's not just a dream, it's a memory from their mountain trip. They were so happy there.

Taehyung stood up, pack few things in his back pack, changed his bottom to Jeans but not Jungkook's Hoodie, he want his warmth close. He took off in his bike to a direction where he thinks his baby went, to the mountains.

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