Chapter 11

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Yoongi was sitting by Jungkook's side for more than three hours. He was looking at his little brother's bruised face. Jungkook is terribly wounded because of the third degree treatment give by RM. His blood is boiling still he controlled his anger.

He need Jungkook's explanation before he take the next step in RM's case. He is mad at his little one at the same time pride filled his heart, his brother risked his own life for him. He felt the luckiest man alive.

Yoongi watched as Jungkook regained consciousness.

Jungkook expected Taehyung to be his side, waiting for him to open his eyes. But he met with Yoongi's worried face.
He looked around, although he is in a daze he could say this is not Tae's room.

Jungkook : "hyung.... Tae... I want... Tae... Home..."

Yoongi: "not now, koo. Sleep now"

Jungkook : "please hyung.... I want Tae... I want to see... Him... I want to go to his place"

Yoongi: "You're in no condition to go back there, Koo . You need to rest."

Jungkook: "But Tae... What if he's angry with me?"

Yoongi: "Right now, your well-being is more important. We'll figure things out, but you need to recover first."

It wasn't easy for Yoongi to convince Jungkook, after long coaxing he agreed to rest for now.

Few days later,

Jungkook expected Taehyung to come rushing to him and embrace him in his arms, but to his dismay only RM and Jimin came to visit him.

Jungkook: "Sorry RM, I... Didn't plan to come to you... It happened and I used it to keep my brother safe the one who i thought I lost forever. He is the only family I have now."

RM : "Jungkook, I understand but.. I have few questions Jungkook. I need answers. Will you answer me, honestly?"

Jungkook didn't raise his head to meet RM or Jimin's eyes but his lap. He gave a small nod as he will answer.

RM: "Why did you think I am harmful to Yoongi in anyway? until he came to my basement I wasn't even aware he is alive"

Jungkook: "I know you are unaware, but you will find out anyway"

RM: "What do you mean?"

Jungkook: "Aren't you searching for shadow master? Yoongi is the one..."

RM: "I guessed it after all this. Do you have any idea who might have kidnapped you?"

Jungkook : "Our... Uncle.."

RM (murmured) : "I don't understand just why he have to pay me to rescue you when he is the one who kidnapped"

RM : "Jungkook, I don't understand... explain everything."

Jungkook: "One day, our uncle visited me in the U.S...."


Jungkook: "Uncle, I'm glad you came all this way.

Uncle: "Of course, my boy. Family comes first. But I also have some business dealings to attend to. Jungkook, do you Mind taking me to meet your boss?"

Jungkook: "What kind of business are you talking about? I don't want you to get into trouble."

Uncle: "Don't worry, Jungkook. It's just a simple business transaction. I need to discuss a few matters. It's nothing you should concern yourself with. Just introduce me, and I'll handle the rest."

Jungkook tried to convince his uncle but he couldn't.

Viper, the ruthless leader of the Crimson Serpents, scrutinized Jungkook as he entered the room with his uncle.

Viper: "Who is this, Jungkook?"

Jungkook hesitated, glancing nervously at his uncle.

Uncle: "I am his Uncle... I'm here on business. I have to discuss some matters with you."

Viper, sensing an unwelcome presence, narrowed his eyes.

Viper: "why should I waste my time on you?"

Uncle: "If it doesn't worth it you can kill me right here"

Jungkook : "Uncle what are..."

Viper: "This isn't the place for family affairs. Jungkook, leave."

Jungkook, feeling the weight of Viperio's authority, reluctantly stepped out of the room, leaving his uncle to face the formidable mob boss alone.

Jungkook somehow heard their conversation, His eyes widened with shock and anger. The revelation of the plan had set a fire within him.

Jungkook hurriedly left Viper's place, thinking it's best to pack his things. He felt a need to hide until he could confirm his ticket back home. The situation was complicated, and he wanted to stay out of sight until he figured out his next steps.

Shortly after Jungkook landed in his mother country, he was kidnapped. However, he was swiftly rescued within a few hours, following RM's orders, by none other than Taehyung.

End of Flashback

Jungkook told RM everything he heard. RM, realizing the gravity of the situation, sighed deeply.

RM: "Jungkook, you should have trusted me enough to share this information. We could have avoided so much misunderstanding."

Jungkook: " Aren't you both were enemies, how do expect me to seek help from you when I thought you are threat to his life"

RM: "We were, but it was in a different way, not in business Jungkook."

Jungkook: "How would I know? I believed what I heard. My Uncle and my boss were talking about the bomb blast too. So.."

Yoongi, entering the room, overheard the conversation.

Yoongi: "Boss and Uncle? What are you talking about, Jungkook?"

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