Chapter 8

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With RM's discharge from the hospital, a renewed determination seized him upon learning about the dead ends in the pursuit of the Shadow Master. A clandestine intensity marked his actions as he took charge to unravel the mysterious force closing off their leads.

In a dimly lit room, RM, surrounded by high-tech screens and equipment, initiated his covert investigation. He tapped into his vast network of contacts, utilizing his genius-level intellect to trace the elusive individual manipulating their paths.
RM, deep in concentration, muttered to himself.

RM: "If someone is blocking us, they won't stay hidden for long. Let's see who dares interfere with our mission."

As he delved into the digital labyrinth, the room buzzed with the hum of technology, capturing the essence of RM's strategic mind at work. The pursuit of the mysterious manipulator intensified, with RM determined to unveil the puppeteer orchestrating their tangled pursuit of the Shadow Master.

In a tense confrontation, RM, armed with the disquieting revelation of potential betrayal, summoned Taehyung to the basement. Suspicion and unspoken tension filled the air as they entered the dimly lit space.

RM, his expression stern, addressed Taehyung.

RM: "The truth is crucial, Taehyung. Someone is manipulating our every move, and the trail leads here."

Taehyung, his demeanor guarded, maintained a stoic silence.
RM, growing more agitated, declared, "Don't force me to extract it from you."

Taehyung was silent the whole time it lead RM to take an action which he didn't even think in his dream.

2 hrs later,

RM: (frustrated) Taehyung, you're testing my patience. Who is the traitor among us?

Taehyung: (grimacing in pain) I told you, I don't know.

RM: (angry) Don't lie to me! Someone is manipulating everything, and you're hiding it!

RM: (raising his hand) Maybe a bit more pain will jog your memory.

Taehyung: (gritting his teeth) Go ahead, but it won't change my answer.

The sound of each blow filled the room, mixing with Taehyung's muffled groans.

RM, frustrated by the lack of answers, intensified the physical assault. Each blow seemed to echo in the dimly lit room.

RM: (angry) You're protecting someone, Taehyung. I need to know who's working against us.

Taehyung: (gasping for breath) I've been loyal to you, RM. I can't give you what I don't have.

As the pain intensified, Taehyung's mind raced. He knew revealing the truth about the mysterious figure could put not himself but Jungkook in grave danger. The internal struggle mirrored the external torment in the room.

RM, torn between desperation and loyalty, hesitated for a moment before delivering another blow.

RM: (frustrated) This ends when you decide to be honest with me.

RM, consumed by doubt, glared at Taehyung, convinced that his most trusted ally was the one sabotaging their efforts.

RM: (accusingly) You're lying, Taehyung! It's too convenient that evidence keeps disappearing, and you seem to know nothing?

RM, fueled by suspicion, refused to believe Taehyung's protests. The once unbreakable bond between them now strained under the weight of doubt and betrayal.

As the echoes of torment filled the basement, the heavy door swung open.

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