Chapter 12

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Jungkook explained everything to Yoongi as well.

Jungkook : "As soon as I overheard them, I left the country and came here, I wasn't expecting me to be kidnapped"

The whole room was silence until RM spoke.

RM : "Me and Yoongi will take care everything you don't worry about anything"

Jungkook: "I want to go to Tae. Take me there, I want to be close to him."

Yoongi: "Absolutely not, Jungkook. It's not safe."

Jungkook: "Hyung, please. I'll be safer with Taehyung. He'll protect me."

Yoongi was so adamant to not to let Jungkook go from his sight.

Jungkook: "Yoongi, I need to be with Taehyung. He means everything to me, and I trust him to keep me safe."

Yoongi, reluctantly: "Why do you think Taehyung can keep you safer than here?"

Jungkook, earnestly: "Because Taehyung is not just a place; he's my safety, my comfort. I trust him with my life. Please, Yoongi, let me be with him. It's where I feel protected. "

Yoongi hesitates to send Jungkook.

Jungkook, (pleading) : "Yoongi, I know your place is secure, but with Taehyung, I find a different kind of safety. It's not just about walls and guards; it's about feeling loved and protected in a way only he can provide. Please understand, I need to be with him."

Time skip

As Jungkook entered Taehyung's  house using Jimin's key, the air felt heavy with tension. The subtle scent of Taehyung's cologne lingered in the house.

Jimin: "Jungkook, he might need some time. Let's not push too hard tonight."

Jungkook headed towards their shared room after Jimin left.

The room, usually warm and inviting, now felt a bit colder. Jungkook glanced around, searching for any sign of Taehyung. His eyes landed on a framed photo of them, smiling, from a happier time.

Jungkook laid on the sofa, The ticking clock seemed to mark each passing second, emphasizing the silence that enveloped Taehyung's home.

Without him knowing he drifted off to a deep slumber.

In the morning, Jungkook woke up on Taehyung's couch, surrounded by walls that echoed the silence of Taehyung's absence. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of a restless night.

The aroma of coffee wafted from the kitchen, drawing Jungkook's attention.
Jungkook rushed out of the room expecting Taehyung.

Instead of Taehyung, He found Jimin and RM sitting at the small dining table, deep in conversation.

Jimin gave Jungkook a sympathetic smile, acknowledging his presence.

Jungkook: "Where's Taehyung?"

Jimin exchanged a glance with RM, hesitantly Jimin said,

Jimin: "He left for a mission"

Jungkook :" Did he... Come last night?"

Jimin : "No koo... He just... Left a text to RM hyung last night"

Jungkook: "Oh..."

Jimin: "He cares about you, it's just he is... Angry... He will come around, don't worry too much kookie"

Jungkook nodded understanding that Tae needs time and he has all the rights to be angry.

A week passed,

Jungkook was cooking when Taehyung came home.

Jungkook stood, a nervous energy radiating from him. The air seemed to thicken as Taehyung's gaze met Jungkook's, a storm of emotions brewing in his eyes.

Jungkook tried to find words in the heavy silence, but guilt seemed to tie his tongue.

Taehyung, without uttering a word went inside the bedroom.

The whole week Jungkook was preparing how to explain Tae, how to make him understand but at the moment he met Taehyung's eyes he forget everything.

Jungkook thought all this time he has a valid reason to hide everything from Taehyung and whatever he does was right until he saw the hate and disappointed eyes of his beloved.

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