14 ⚔️ Bushes

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The book said that the Inferno Flower had an Inferno Seed which was used by S-Ranked dragons to turn normal people into uncontrollable S-Ranked Dragons. Any human who ate the seed would turn into an S-Ranked Dragon and get out of control. They wouldn't remember anything. But they'd destroy everything. And the consumer of the seed would die in twenty four hours. The seed would also act like an instant poison after twenty four hours.

He was scared. Too scared. Diato wasn't scared of anything in his life except doors. But he was now.


This couldn't get any worse now. He laid back on the bed again. Thinking about all the times he was bullied at the orphanage. He hadn't had any good memories to think about except the ones that he passed the final selection - and how exceited he was to go on his first mission. His eyelids felt heavy and in no time - they were glued shut. Diato fell asleep with dried out tears not daring slip down his cheeks.


A loud thud noise woke him up after an hour. It was someone banging at the door. "WHO THE FUCK IS IT?" Diato shouted from his bed so that the person outside could hear him. He didn't want to get out of bed. The little nap had helped so much. It had helped put down half of the burden. Half of the sorrow. Twenty Four Hours... Diato didn't know how long it would take toto pass that much hours.

"It's me!" It was John, "I was here to just remind you to het ready if you are feeling well. You can come with us at the cobble garden. Terra is coming there. That A-Ranked team member... Remember?"

"YEAH! I'M COMING" Diato shouted back. He thought it would be a good idea to hang out with his team. After all t was twenty four hours not twenty four minutes. He decided he'd have as much fun as possible before he died. So he'd have something to remember at the time of his death.

He jumped out of his bed amd changed his T-shirt which had dried tears on it. He wondered how did John even find his clothes. He pulled out some nice pair of new and washed clothes and wore them. He combed his hair and now was ready to meet the new member. He was now not afraid to open the door. He grabbed the knob and pushed it. It didn't open. Then, he pulled it. The door swung open with a smile on Diato's face.


He met Max and John in the basement, unlocking their vehicles with some code. They stared at Diato as if he was supposed to do the same. But Diato stood there stupidly, not knowing what to do.

"Oh yeah he doesn't know about that" Max told John and then turned to Diato, "Enter your name and the vehicle will boot up. It will he basically taken on rent and the money will be taken from your bank account. You might not have connected your bank account yet so sit behind me"

Diato nodded as he jumped on Max's bike. Diato was excited to meet the new member but something pounded in the back of his head...

They left the Organization and turned left again. Towards Troll Tog. Even though he was not driving the bike, he felt like he was. Because he wasn't used to sitting behind people on a two-wheeler. The only time he saw behind someone was on a bicycle. He sat on the carrier of the bicycle of the bully. And he was intentionally thrown off the bike. Since then, he never trusted anyone who told him to sit behind them. But he did now. He knew Max wasn't a bully... Hopefully. They reached the Northern Slum, and the destination was near.

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