28 ⚔️ Drayers' Talisman

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"It's not what it looks like," Terra defended herself, her voice holding onto a firm thread of confidence.

"I would love to see how you'd defend yourself in this situation," James spoke with a smirk hanging on his lips, "because I know whatever you say will be nonsense."

"Just hear me out," Terra urged loudly. She had so much filled up in her chest that she wanted to shout out loud in a dense forest where no one could hear her.

"Alright, let's hear it," James said, his voice dropped to a soft voice.

"I came here to stop Diato from going to the Dragon Spine Mountains. He doesn't know anything about dragons, I thought it would be dangerous..." Terra explained. "Before I found Diato, I came across this dragon and when I climbed on it to kill it, its scales loosened my Urumi and-"

"Oh yeah?" James raised an eyebrow, "well why were you telling the creature that you'll come with it?" She opened her mouth and closed it again as James wasn't done speaking: "I gave you a chance to speak and what did you do with it? You lied. I'll only say it once," James spoke, his voice cracking, and his hand pulling out the dual-wielded sword from its sheath. "Surrender yourself - or else..."

"Ay Mister attitude, I'll say it once too-" Diato roared, his catlike oval pupils gazing at the twelve people standing before him, bathing in the ethereal glow of the moon. James rage-fully glanced at the dragon, slightly squinting his eyes in anger.

"You better get out of the way or eat my poo," James' eyebrows widened, seeing a dragon rhyme for the first time, "Okay, maybe not my poo, but poo! Cuz that rhymes." The dragon dragged its head towards Terra's ear and whispered, "That sounded way better and cool in my head. Please don't judge me on my rhymes." And I shouldn't have told her that, He thought.

"Ugh," James grunted, "We'll call you the cringe dragon from now on. That does not rhyme at all."

Terra sighed, "Really?"

Diato grunted, "Oh give me a break,"

James roared. "Attack the beast!" He ordered the other Drayers.

Everyone charged at the dragon, their weapons crackling with the sound of their battle cry. They marched over the ground near the Fishermen's Dock. Diato spread out his wings over the grass and lifted his upper limbs into the air like a horse.

Terra slipped but got a grip on one of his scales, hanging on his back. The marching Drayers immediately came to a halt, as Diato lifted his limbs. He spread his wings across the grass and flapped them as fast as he could. The charge of the wind blew with a roar at them. However, they managed to hold their ground, and stay still.

Max and John were at the end of the crowd. Everyone charged but they hesitated. James shot them a look as if to say: what are you waiting for?

They sprinted at the Dragon, their tools prickling their skin. Max finally pulled out his metal boomerang as he got a brilliant idea. He threw it at Terra. A surge of responsibility and hurry struck Diato as he found himself still on the ground, not being able to lift himself no matter how hard he flapped his wings. Perhaps he had no idea how heavy his wings were. And Terra was also disappointed, as she found out that Diato couldn't fly.

Terra extended her limb up in the sky and stretched out her fingers as if to catch something. The boomerang landed on her palm. She grasped the metal boomerang and pulled out her urumi. She wrapped the tip of her urumi to the boomerang and jumped off Diato, as it was her turn to do something.

She landed on the ground, sending up puffs of dust in the air, and attached a taser device to the metal boomerang, to give an electrical shock to anyone it touched. She threw her urumi to the head of a Drayer. Some were still after the dragon, and some were coming at her. Diato sighed, tired of not being able to fly. Flames erupted from his lips, towards the Crowd. They had their fire-proof suits on but the clothes on top of the suit burned.

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