8 ⚔️ Distracted

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He got near the table and rested both his palms on it. He looked around. The table was the least of his concerns. He saw the high bookshelves on the wall and in the middle. There was no table or chair, to sit and read peacefully. This reminded him of the stronghold library in Minecraft. He felt that librarian breathing down his neck. He turned around to her.

"Can I have a map of this place?" Diato started, "A blueprint or something?"

"Yes," She replied.

He gazed at her awkwardly for a while before gesturing with his face, so give it? Then she gestured back with her face, go and get it yourself. He found it rude but realised he would've done the same if he was the librarian. Especially after he had stood at the door for about five minutes before she told him that the door was already open. He went towards the high bookshelves' rows which had thick, thin, filthy, clean, heavy, light, small, large and all kinds of different books he could think of.

He wasn't looking for any of it. He went to the Maps section. The high bookshelves were making it more confusing. There were several white metal ladders. Surely they were to climb up to reach the higher section of the bookshelves. He got a Drayers' Organization Map. He took the book and went to the librarian.

"I'm taking this" Diato spoke, "is there any money I have to pay?"

"Sir, this is not your local library" The librarian replied, "The books available here are not easily available in a local library. Although there are some common books available but not books like novels or comics"

"Or you could just say no, they're free," Diato said,

"Yes they're free," She added, "as long as you return them"

"So where do I read this?"

"At your room, cafeteria, anywhere you like, but the library." She spoke.

Diato nodded at her and headed back to the cafeteria. Everything was easier to locate from the cafeteria because it had many hallways connecting it. It was like a corridor centre where you'd choose which way you wanted to go. He read and memorized the map. The building was dual-floored. But only people above B rank were allowed to go on the first floor. And then there was the terrace to take care of the building's safety. It was safe to say that the terrace would be pretty wide. After all, it was home to over ten thousand drayers: of different ranks, workers, guards, weapon makers, trainers, and others.

He memorized the map of the ground floor. Now he knew where each corridor led. Where the actual common hallway was to connect all other hallways. That common hallway had a staircase to the first floor. After a while, he had the map by heart. After about an hour, he returned the book to the library. While returning, a strange book caught his eye. It was Dragons Of The DragonSpine. It was a normal book like every book else. But the word Dragonspine caught his eye. Can this book contain clues about what's on the first floor? Or what's at the Dragonspine Mountains? He thought.

He went to Max's room. He knocked with his knuckles. Max pulled the door open.

"Guess what?" Diato said with excitement,

"What now?" Max said, showing no interest.

"I just memorized the map of the entire organization!" He replied with enthusiasm, "Ask me to bring anything and I'll know where each of it is!"

Max was not interested in testing Diato's memory at all. He was bored and was doing something to get rid of his boredom. He didn't want to upset Diato either. "Go bring me a book about the Dragonspine Mountains," He said. He thought it would take much time for him to find a specific book in a large library.

"Okay, I'll bring it now! But what will I get in return?"

"I think it's a tough challenge, you'll fail for sure. I'll give you twenty-four hours"

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