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Diato woke up and found himself in his room. Was it a dream again!? He thought. He hauled himself to a sitting position as he glanced at his forearms. Nothing. It was all normal. Except the book. Dragons of the DragonSpines. It was still there under the pillow. Diato remembered taking the book. This mustn't be a dream. It was the truth. He gazed up and found Maz and John sitting there - staring at him.

"So... What happened?" Max asked softly, clearly not wanting to stress out Diato, "John found you unconscious... Beside the dead body of a Dragon... An S-Ranked one... "

"... And you were naked" John added.

"That's not important" Max suggested, "How did you survive? Do you remember anything? Anything?" Max urged.

"The - The Dragon caught me in his wings... " Diato started finally, trying to remember as much as he could. "He - he - threw me on the ground - I felt the poison... That's all - all I remember" He said with his teeth.

"What poison? Did he feed you anything?" Max asked, his tone clearly said that he was worried and confused for Diato.

"I don't remember... " He Lied. He remembered the seed. He didn't want to put stress on him and preferred to die in peace if that was what was written in his destiny.

"Give him some time to rest... I mean... He'll slowly recall what happened" John suggested.

"You're right" Max stood up with John. "Go and rest Diato. We've gotta meet that A-Ranked member this evening. Around six O' Clock. Get ready if you feel well. And if you remember anything else let us know immediately"

Diato opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again with a nod. He saw Max and John leave the room. He found himself surprisingly alive. What was that seed? Why didn't it kill me? It was literally burning me from the insides! What happened? Why don't I remember killing that dragon? Was it someone else? He thought as he continued to stare at the chair Max was sitting on.

He stood up from the bed and walked to the door. He pulled the knob and slammed the door shut. He did not forget to lock it this time. He didn't want any disturbance now. He pulled out the book under his pillow. He gazed at the cover for some time and then it struck him. There must be a book for that seed! He thought. He opened the door again and dashed to the library. While on the way - he tried to remember the appearance of it. He tried to remember what happened after he accidentally swallowed the seed.

His body turned almost orange. Hus nails and teeth grew like a vampire. No! Vampires don't exist! He convinced himself. It must be a poison. Which was killing him from the insides. Finally reached the library. He slid his foot in to check if the door was closed. It wasn't. He stepped inside. He was met with a similar voice.

"Go take anything you want!" It was Lailah the Librarian, "I'm not risking any other lives for a stupid person." She said with her teeth clenched.

"What do you mean?"

"You remember this morning you took - I mean stole a book from here by telling me that you came to distract me?"

"I do. What about it?"

"I checked the drawers and it cause me to mix all the mission envelopes! I accidentally sent a D-Ranked drayer on an S-Ranked Mission! All because you told me you stole something from that drawer!"

Diato realised it. It was his own mistake which led to him almost getting killed. He was the one who caused the librarian to missrank the missions. Thankfully the librarian didn't know that he was the one who was sent on the S-Ranked Mission. He thought it was the librarian's mistake but it was his own.

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