34 ⚔️ Burning The Burnt

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"I won't" Shez said, remaining rigid, "Kill her if you want, I don't care. I just wanted to prove to her boyfriend that I'm stronger."

"What?" She spoke, "Diato is not my -" But she was interrupted.

Diato, with his hands pointed above his head, and his wings creating a lean horizontal posture, struck Tyghall's back. He had created such momentum with his dive, that his nails pierced through the skin of Tyghall's back. His braids bounced aside as Diato pushed his hands further more into the skin of Tyghall.

In no time, Diato's hands stabbed through Tyghall's chest. He then tried his best to spread apart his arms, in order to tear Tyghall into two pieces. He wasn't aware of what he was doing, as if his subconscious mind and muscle memory had taken over him.

His movements were fluid, like a snake. Terra gazed at Diato's arms - stained with blood - making their way out of Tyghall's chest. Tyghall's eyes grew wide in terror as he glanced down and saw someone's hands coming out of his chest. The hands were similar. They had no scales, but they were quite identical to Shez's hands.

He finally managed to spread his arms apart, along with tearing Tyghall's body into two parts. The bones, broke with a crack and the organs tore with a slushy sound. Diato immediately landed on his feet.

However, Tyghall's grip on Terra's neck didn't loosen. Terra slipped along with Tyghall's side body. Diato instantly threw his hand and grabbed her wrist. Tyghall's grip finally loosened. The body fell down, blood drooling out of the sides. Tyghall's huge lungs, liver and kidneys were visible. But they were different. They were larger than a human's.

Diato pulled her wrist. She balanced on her feet. She finally looked up at Diato, who was staring at her. They were now so close that he could see the mixture of dirt and blood stuck on her cheeks. Her warm breath struck his chest, as she gazed back down. She saw the stains of blood on his broad chest. She knew none of the blood belonged to Diato.

Shez whistled in a tune. This caught both of their attention. They glanced at Shez at the same time, and pulled themselves back - away from each other.

"Not too fast, boy" Shez spoke as he glanced at Diato, and then at Terra. He pointed behind them, "Look behind ya."

They both turned around, and saw three dragons charging at them. Diato, instantly spread opened his mouth. He knew fire wouldn't come out of his mouth. Ice would. The icy breath of Diato struck the three dragons at the same time.

Shez strolled across the stone floor, to Diato. The dragons spread their wings and brought a halt to their dive. The icy cold wind froze their scales. Their body became rigid as they saw their skin freezing into ice. They fell down, one after another. Their, scales covered in frost and their eyes closed shut.

Wait, Diato thought, If I killed two dragons, Terra killed Two dragons, and Shez didn't kill any dragons, but I killed the three of them which Shez knocked out. When I first came here, I saw eight dragons. We only killed seven, if I don't count Tyghall. Then where's the eighth dragon?

This was when the eighth dragon struck. The dragon dove behind Diato's back, and pushed him ahead. Diato felt the giant toenails of the dragon, before he was pushed, but he couldn't balance himself. He fell on the ground, as the dragon landed it's feet in front of him.

Diato jumped up with his wings and landed on his feet. But he didn't waste his time this time. He sprinted at the dragon, and grabbed it's neck. The dragon threw its claw at Diato. But Diato couldn't waste his time to block that attack. He instead lifted his tail and stabbed it on the chest of the dragon.

The claw reached Diato, and the nails pierced his skin. He grunted in pain and lifted the dragon with his tail, keeping a hold of its neck. He slammed the dragon on the ground beside him, and the claw was finally pulled away. He saw blood coming out of the three slits on his chest that the dragon made. But the blood was too little for him to worry about.

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