35 ⚔️ A Morphing Mortal

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"Shayanam Karotu!" Shez spoke finally.

He spread his arms in the air, palm side up. A spherical forcefield took its shape. The forcefield, was created from Shez's hands, and it exploded like the forcefield earlier. But now, it didn't stop expanding. Whoever came in contact with the forcefield were put to sleep.

Terra was also affected by this spell. The Hundreds of Dragons that were about to reach Shez fell on the ground with a thud. Shez wasn't here to Massacre these dragons so he didn't kill them, but instead, put them all to sleep.

Diato and Tyghall were too high up in the sky to be affected by the spell.

Terra - now asleep - Was free falling through the sky, cutting the wind. This caught Shez's eye. Shez sprinted across the ground to catch her. He extended his arms forward in the air, to catch her.

His calculation was accurate and Terra fell right into his arms. his arms didn't even budge and caught her. The impact woke her up, and her eyelids flung open. She gazed around. Surprisingly enough, she was alive. She shifted her gaze to Shez, who saved her. For a moment, she just kept staring at Shez, not knowing how to thank him.

"You have a boyfriend" Shez told her, as he moved backwards, and let her fall to the ground.

With a soft thud, she struck the ground and immediately stood herself up.

"I'm Supposed to say that!" She spoke, as she caught Shez's humor, "And, no I don't have a Boyfriend."

"Oh yeah?", Shez turned to her again, "Then what does Diato mean to you?"

"I mean," She explained, "He's like a friend for me."

"Oh don't throw that excuse on me." Shez squinted his eyes, lightly, "You literally betrayed your entire organization, and your adoptive dad, James."

"James just did the paperwork," She said with venom, "And My brother went through the same things Diato went through."

"Yeah, Yeah." Shez said, as he lost interest in the conversation, "I know your brother Daniel would've done the same things Diato is doing if he had survived the Inferno Seed." He paused for a moment, and then continued, "You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to the reality, Terra. Just knowing Diato loved you, makes you want to love him back."

"How do you know all this?" Terra asked in shock, and a slight annoyance, "Like, can you read minds or something?"

"Yes," Shez replied, "I can indeed read minds, but not all of them. I can't read thoughts or predict plans. But I can read feelings. Like when the dragons attack me, They're not attacking me because they hate me, but because there's this generational prejudice towards the weaker clans among dragons since eternity." He finished explaining.

"Hmm" She nodded, not knowing what to reply with. This was too much information to work with, but nothing she hadn't seen before.


Diato curled up his fist and threw a punch at Tyghall's abdomen. the punch was quite affective, but Tyghall wasn't like normal dragons either. He was also similar to Diato. He was also a Human crossbreed. Tyghall was thrown aback, but he resisted his knockback with his wings.

Tyghall readied his leg, and threw it Diato's jaw. Diato saw it coming as soon as Tyghall lifted his leg. He used his forearm to block the kick. But the kick was no joke. Tyghall's leg broke Diato's forearm into two pieces and hit Diato's jaw. The impact caused Diato to rotate a bit, but he balanced himself.

He glanced at his broken forearm. Blood was flushing out of it along with clots of flesh. The broken wet bone and nerves were quote visible. But Diato felt almost no pain. As if Tyghall had just pinched him lightly. He knew the blood he was losing wasn't healthy for his body. But he had to push himself in order to stay alive, and get his answers.

Forging The FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora