29 ⚔️ Unethical Market

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The arrow pierced his scales, driving into his lungs. His chest tightened, constricting like a vice. Diato couldn't control them, all he could do was tolerate the pain. He felt his body leaning backwards, but didn't try to resist it. The pain from the arrow was hard enough to deal with.

He let his body free fall to the ground. He forgot about the existence of his tail. The tail stabbed on the back of his hip, as he smacked himself on the ground. The wings and his tail got sucked back inside his body as he painfully transformed back into his human form. The breeze of cold wind struck his bare skin, but he was more focused on his chest.

On his chest, he saw a bluish magical arrow stabbed into it. Surprisingly, the fluid oozing from the wound wasn't blood; it appeared to be orange in colour, unlike anything Diato had seen before. Diato, for a moment, thought being a dragon turned his blood orange.

The arrow felt as if he had put ten tonnes of weight on his chest, to sink it inside his chest. He couldn't breath. Loud breaths and grunts were his only options. He clenched his fist on the ground, letting dirt inside his fist, as if grabbing the land like a fabric. He couldn't touch his wound. He knew the orange gooey stuff wasn't his blood. And one seed couldn't contain this much poison. It's consistency screamed it was lava, but Diato's skin wasn't burning at all. He squinted his eyes and did the very thing he could do. Tolerate.

Terra looked at him over her shoulder. A surge of worry was sent up her spine. The adrenaline struck her, as she pulled out an injection containing a bluish green liquid, and sprinted to Diato. Her legs marching on the dirt, sent up puffs of dust behind her as she ran. She held up the injection high up in front of her eyes and pushed the bottom until a few drops came out of the needle.

Her heart pounded against her ribs as she shook off hair off her eyes, while running. She had already thrown her urumi near James. Which was probably a bad idea but she had to act fast. She couldn't let Diato die, either. Finally reaching him, she dropped to her knees and quickly injected the serum into his arm. She felt the rough texture of the dirt on her knees.

He was grunting heavily in pain, ignoring the coppery smell of his blood mixed with the sulphuric smell of the gooey orange liquid and the soil wet from his sweat. She felt the cold breeze of the wind on the back of her neck, which was wet with her sweat. She pushed the bottom of the injection and injected the blue liquid inside his body. She threw the needle on her side and her hand flew to the cup of his cheek. He glanced at her, his chit pressing against his collar bone,

"Don't bother" he spoke, in between his grunts, "I'm -" He grunted again, "I'm dead already" He spoke as his head fell back on the ground. He felt the soil between his toes as he dragged them up and down in pain.

The soil went in his hair, which was one of the weird things he found disgusting but he could get the dirt off it, as he was lying in it.

"No, no you're not gonna die" she still spoke with authority but softer than before. "I have Injected you with this special serum which will heal you".

She flung back on her feet. She pressed one foot on his stomach and pulled the arrow out of his chest with both of her hands. As soon as the arrow came out, it disappeared as if it was a victim of thanos's snap. She saw the orange liquid mixed with Diato's blood. She wasn't sure about the liquid, and didn't bother assuming anything else than assuming it to be the inferno seed's poison. But the she remembered that he only swallowed, one seed. So it couldn't be the poison.

She fell back on her knees, and the serum was working. The skin was healing. But nit that fast. Diato's grunts also softened gradually after she took out the arrow. It was a huge relief for him. Though he was still losing his blood, the quantity was decreasing simultaneously. He really wanted to eat some chocolate chip cookies. Though he wasn't fond of resisting temptations, right now, he had no other choice.

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