18 ⚔️ Awakening

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The world wiggled in front of his eyes. His fingers dug into the dirt. It felt like nausea. Even though he couldn't see the fire he could still feel it burning in his chest, pounding in rhythm with his heart. He clenched his teeth together, letting his lips stay wide open as he tried to fight the pain. He never knew turning into a dragon would be this painful. He wouldn't consider turning into one if he did. The world wiggles in waves, and he knew he was experiencing nausea. He wanted it to go away but it didn't even when he clenched his eyes tightly shut.


He again found himself staring at the ceiling. He got slightly used to it now, getting up unconscious and waking up in his bed, with his hair sticking on his skin with sweat and his blanket pricking on his thighs and knees. He hauled himself into a sitting position and glanced around. Max and John were sitting there, waiting for someone. Diato looked puzzled as he glanced around. It wasn't his room. He turned to Max.

"Where-" Diato inquired, trying his best to keep his eyes open. They suddenly felt heavy. He was cut off by Max.

"You're in my room" Max spoke, "and you should keep your room unlocked"

"Why?" He asked trying to hide his annoyance. He didn't notice it before but he did now. He realised Max and John were wearing different clothes. His eyes grew wide as the realisation kicked in. He looked at the window in the corner of his eyes, sunlight. It was already morning.

"So that you can be dressed again if people find you naked every once in a while" Max finished, trying to sound lighthearted. But he sounded more sarcastic to Diato than light-hearted.

"Again!?" Diato exclaimed in shock, "Did you find me this time? And where?"

"Terra did" John explained, "I reached the organization and had my meal when I saw the news. Terra asked me why was I worried so I told her you were still there. At that very moment, she was ready to leave for the garden, I was gonna come too if she hadn't stopped me at the organization to tell Max about it and tell the librarian to find the cure for the seed you swallowed and didn't tell us"

"Terra found me?" Diato said, ignoring the fact that they've found out about the seed. Blood flushed up his cheeks, as he pulled up the blanket from his lap. This was when he realised he was wearing an oversized shorts.

"Yeah, don't worry" John assured him neutrally, "she has found and killed many naked people. I mean... Dragons, I mean... Dragon people... "

"No, it's not that - it's -" Diato spoke but was interrupted by a thud on the door.

A skinny and curvy figure appeared at the doorway. It was Terra. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. Max and John immediately turned to her, expecting her to say something. Diato instantly flinched at her. She was about to say something. She opened her mouth but closed it again when she glanced at Diato. He was staring at her with an expression which made Terra thought he was going to say, I think I know you... But I Don't. Or Do I? He glanced at Max and then at John but they were both gazing at her so he joined them.

"She found nothing" She spoke finally with a sigh.

"Who found nothing?" Diato inquired, puzzled about what she was talking about.

"The librarian" Max enlightened him, "she didn't find any cure for that inferno seed in the books."

Diato didn't reply. It suddenly struck him. "I'm going to my room." He said as he jerked off the bed and made a little jog across the room as if he had forgotten to do something and remembered it again. He opened the door in an instant and closed it behind him. Now that's called character development. I can open doors. He thought as he made his way through the corridor, all the way to his room.

He reached for the key under his mat and unlocked the door. He grabbed the knob and pulled on the handle. It didn't open. I think I'm evolving backwards. He thought as he let go of the knob. He was so frustrated at the moment he could burn the door to get in if he had to. To his astonishment, the door opened itself. Oh! It opens on the inside! He remembered as the door flung open inside. He quickly strode inside and kicked the door shut.

He looked up at the ceiling right above his bed. He had hung the wall clock there on the ceiling horizontally. So that he didn't have to struggle to see time when he was asleep. His eyes grew wide as he saw the time. It has already been twenty-four hours! He thought. Twenty-seven for the matter of math. Why didn't I die? He thought as he threw himself on the bed.

He didn't know what was going on. Did the Inferno Flower book contain misleading information? He had to check it again. He reached for the book under his pillow and pulled it out. Dragons of the DragonSpines. He put it down on the side table. Shit! He remembered. Oh, my holy poop! I left the book in the cobble garden to get burned! I'm so stupid. He thought as he ran his fingers across his face, tracing every inch of his forehead.

"Oh for God's sake, why am I not dead yet? It's not like I'd like to be dead but - I should've been dead! What is happening to me?" He thought in worry without realising he was saying it all out aloud. His palms traced across his forehead and stumbled upon his ears. He felt them prickling into the tip of his fingers.

Terra was outside the door. She tried to open it but it was locked. What is he doing in there? She thought as she finally gave up and rested her head on the door. This was when she heard his noise from the inside. Oh for God's sake, why am I not dead yet? It's not like I'd like to be dead but - I should've been dead! What is happening to me? Her eyes grew wide in astonishment as she realised that he was supposed to be dead. The twenty-four hours had already passed.

His vision was scrutinizing the room. Soon, they stumbled upon the shadow behind the door visible from the shiny tiles under the door. He saw someone standing outside, listening to him. He felt his toes get impassive with the coldness of the floor tiles. He wondered why it was so cold. It wasn't very cold near the city. He again remembered that the organization was encircled by a water body. Which made it obvious why it was so cold.

His palms still stroked his forehead, and he flinched out of bed. Surprisingly, he stood completely adequate. Zilch blotches on his skin. As he dragged himself to a standing position. He was shirtless, wearing someone's - Probably Max's - oversized shorts, on his hip, lower than usual. Further than the shorts, he found no additional fabric wrapping him. Presumably, because the shorts were sufficient to wrap his private parts. He strode across the room and arrived at the door. He figured out what he was going to do.

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