39. BONUS!

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"Izu, look!" Himiko brightly exclaimed, jumping onto her feet as she pointed to a highly decorated tree. "They started decorating already." He added, looking at the ornaments. This area was always so festive. Especially around Christmas.

"I wish we could spend Christmas together.." She mumbled, leaning into him. "Who says we can't?" She looked up at him. "What do you mean? Won't your mom.. You know, get mad?" "We can have our own separate Christmas." He hummed casually. "I'd like that." Himiko spun her hair around her fingers, suddenly feeling shyer. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a portal-like thing appear. A very familiar sight... "Uhh, wait one second. I- saw someone I need to talk to real quick." She spoke quickly, not liking how close Kurogiri had come. "Oh, do you want me to come with you?-"
"It's fine, it'll just be a second!" She yelled, already heading towards Kurogiri. "Okay.."

As soon as he was in sight, she frowned. "What the heck are you doing here?!" She yelled, dragging Kurogiri behind some trees. He scoffed, brushing down the creases from where he was dragged. "The question should be where have you been?" Shigaraki sent me." Of course he did..
"Why?" She interrogated. "You haven't been showing up in the league hideout recently. You haven't been doing something else, have you?" "No." Was her immediate response. "Okay, then.. Where have you been?" He repeated. "NOWHERE! If he needs me that bad, it should be because our plan is continuing-" "It is!"

She stopped. "What?" "Their field trip is set to go next week." Kurogiri explained. "O-oh. Tell Shigaraki I'll be there tonight." Kurogiri gave her a suspicious look but gave in. "See you there." Before disappearing back the way he came.

Looking down in thought, she made her way back to Izuku. "You're back! How'd it go?" He asked cheerfully, before handing her something. "Oh, it went fine- Oh?" She stopped mid-sentence to look at what had been handed to her. It was a pretty bouquet of roses. "Aww, thank you Izu." She looked up at him, her day suddenly getting a whole lot brighter. "No problem. Some pretty roses for a beautiful girl." He mumbled, his cheeks red. "And they mean so much more when coming from my handsome boyfriend." She flirted back, aware of how this would affect him. He was speechless and she couldn't help a giggle.
"Come on, let's enjoy the rest of our night." She hopped along, happily.


"Whattt, that's crazy." Izuku yelled, invested into the story Himiko had just finished telling. "Yeah." Suddenly she gasped. "What?" He asked. "Are you going to be dressing up for Halloween?" She asked, excitedly.
The thought hadn't even crossed his mind. "Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't really thought of anything." Well, except All might for the past 15 years of his life.

"We should match!" She suggested. "Match?" "Like a couple's costume." He hummed, "That'd be pretty fun. What were you thinking?" He himself hadn't matched costumes with somebody since he and Kaccan were little. (And the other didn't hate him) "Harley Quinn and the Joker." She smiled bright, and for a moment he could see why she had picked that. "Crazy-hot-blonde, and I have green hair." The words slipped from his mouth before he could process. "Oh stop it, I'm blushing." Toga laughed, pulling him to a shopping centre. He was too stunned to say anything so he let himself be dragged along.
"Lookey here. COSTUMES!" She went ham on sorting through the store that carried hero merch and cosplay things. "Do you really need a costume? Can't you just transform into Harley Quinn?" He asked, curious. "No.. I'd need some of her blood, but the actor is allllllll the way in the US." That makes sense. It didn't really matter anyway. They both matched their part pretty well. Well, except for the fact that Toga was 10x prettier in his eyes.

"Izuu, your mumbling." She pointed out with a knowing look. "S-sorry." "It's fine, I'm sure you were saying nice things anyways." You have no idea.
Suddenly, she handed him a costume. "Go put it on! C'mon! Halloween's tonight." She, herself getting into a changing room. Honestly, he thinks they could pull it off.

(720 words excluding this.)
BONUS chapter coming later tonight!

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