Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories

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Ominis walked up the long flight of stairs to the seventh floor corridor. He very rarely made his way this far into the castle. The last time he had been up here was when he had to take the mandatory Astronomy class in third year, and he sighed as he remembered how long that class had felt for him.

He felt along the walls and felt the woolen tapestry that Sabrina had described to him. This had to be the place. But... Why did Sabrina want to meet Ominis all the way up here?

He suddenly heard scraping of stone and metal on the wall opposite him, and a second later a door was opened. Ominis didn't remember there being a room up here next to the tapestry.

Ominis felt a soft and familiar hand grab his own before he was being pulled forward. "Sabrina!" he called as he heard her giggles. He heard her close the door behind them. "Where are you taking me?"

Ominis was now walking on what felt like marble flooring. This room felt slightly warmer, and it seemed as if they were standing outside in the sun. But that couldn't be right. Ominis' wand told him there were walls around him. He was standing in a hallway that opened into a large open room, and he could hear birds and papers rustling above him. He could also smell some plants nearby, and a clock ticking in a nearby corner.

"This is our room of hidden things," Sabrina's sweet voice finally answered.

Ominis' eyes widened. "You found the Room of Requirement?"

"You know about it?"

"I've heard rumors," Ominis admitted. "It only appears to students in dire need."

"Well," he heard Sabrina smiling. "Professor Weasley showed me how to find it. We are in dire need, afterall."

Ominis smiled with her. "'Dire need'?"

"For privacy. For our own space. I thought... we could use this place as our own safe spot within the castle." Sabrina's hand still held his, but her other hand began to gently graze his arm in a comforting manner. "A place where we don't have to tiptoe around Sebastian and Anne, where we don't have to pretend to not care about each other. In here... we can be ourselves."

He felt his chest begin to warm as her touch moved up to his shoulder. Ominis thought about her words, and he actually began to feel joy. She had done this for them. For him. "Away from prying eyes." He finally understood what those words meant.

"Away from prying eyes," Sabrina repeated.

Ominis took a deep breath and exhaled, allowing himself to completely relax for the first time this school year. "Come here," he grinned as he pulled Sabrina closer to him.

Sabrina's body crashed against his chest, and his hands instantly moved to her waist to hold her still before he dipped his face in the crook of her neck. Merlin, he would never get used to this feeling. She was so soft, like velvet against his warm skin. He lifted a hand to her hair and gently felt the silkiness of it against his fingers. And she smelled so very sweet, like vanilla and fresh laundry. Ominis always felt so warm and relaxed with Sabrina, but the way his body reacted to her touch was like a brand new level of sensations he had yet to ever experience.

Ominis could have sworn he had died and gone to heaven. There was no way he had ever done anything to deserve this beautiful creature before him. It felt too good to be true.

"Ominis," he felt the girl under him gasp as he gently kissed her neck.

He brought his face up and put a hand on her cheek to better find her. Ominis placed his forehead against hers and smiled. "Our own private place," he whispered. "Where I can finally have you all to myself."

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