Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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The first day of November was a cold one despite the bright and cloudless blue sky that hung above the castle. Everyones' spirits were still high from the Halloween festivities the night before, and now they all had the official start to the Quidditch season to look forward to.

The expectations were high. Slytherin versus Gryffindor, two teams well known for being the best and most competitive in the school. Anne, however, was not feeling anywhere near as nervous as she had when they played the exhibition games. 

At least, she wasn't until she was putting on her emerald and silver Quidditch sweater and trousers.

As Anne and Sebastian walked into the Great Hall with their matching sweaters, everyone at the Slytherin table kept staring and giving Anne weird looks as if expecting her to fall apart. Apparently, the memory of their first loss was still fresh on everyone's mind. However, unlike last time, Anne was not feeling threatened by her opponent. She knew that she was easily a better seeker than Gryffindor's own Vernon Hogan. She was quicker and smaller, while the only thing Hogan had going for him was his long reach.

But if Anne knew anything, she knew very clearly that length was not everything.

Ominis joined the twins after a few minutes and instantly summoned some Earl Gray tea for himself. "Are you nervous?" he asked them.

Sebastian shrugged. "Not really," he said. "Gryffindors are reckless, which means they'll do anything without thinking."

"Exactly," Anne commented. "They'll do anything. We have to be on our toes today."

Ominis nodded in agreement before he whispered. "Is Sabrina at the table?"

Anne looked around the many different Slytherin heads and saw that Sabrina was not among them. She finally located her and frowned. "No, she's sitting at the Gryffindor table with Onai and Sweeting. Looks like Weasley is with them too."

Sebastian's eyes narrowed in on Sabrina. "I can't believe she's sitting with the enemy."

"She's still wearing green. It's not like she's wearing red and gold."

Ominis, however, just nodded. "We actually discussed it. It's a good way to lure people's suspicions of us if she sits over there."

"Yeah, but you don't have to sit and watch Weasley get all chummy with her."

Ominis' teacup froze halfway to his mouth. Anne could see him try to hold back a scowl.

Sebastian opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped when he saw some girls walking towards him with identical looks of blushed nervousness on their faces. Anne turned and saw Samantha Dale of Ravenclaw and Adelaide Oakes of Hufflepuff approach him, completely ignoring her as they giggled. "Hello, Sebastian."

The boy gave them each a look of pure confusion. "Hello."

"We just wanted to wish you luck on your game today," Adelaide smiled, batting her eyes as she twisted a blonde curl with her finger..

"We know you'll win for your team," Samantha smiled. "You're the best player in the school."

Anne put down her spoon and sat back, not even hiding her amusement at how obvious these two girls were being. She hid her laugh behind a piece of toast, unable to keep it together at her brother's lack of awareness. Even Ominis' spirits seemed to have risen listening to the exchange, hiding his own mischievous smile behind his teacup.

"Well... thanks," Sebastian told them. "I appreciate it."

Both Adelaide and Samantha gave a bright smile to him. "We can't wait to see you out there," Samantha added. "We'll see you afterwards."

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