Chapter 25: A Month Vacation

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🪶Heather's POV🪶

(Full Heathlegs in this chap, please comment here which ship you guys prefer, I love both Heathlegs and Rufflegs,)

Heathlegs- The ship that I love but never sailed

Rufflegs- The ship that I didn't expect but ended up loving

I can't choose! Help!

They're at a sleepover at Arendelle Castle

⚠️Short Chapter Ahead⚠️

"I'm sorry that I couldn't stay with you guys a little longer, Elsa's offer of a whole month vacation here with you guys is amazing! But I sadly have to go home with my brother" I apologize, Fishlegs was the first one I told, to be honest, I knew how I truly felt for him, I had a crush on him since highschool, I didn't expect to end up loving him so much, like this.

"It's okay girl! It's your brother! Nothing wrong with you and him going home together to spend some time, we've always had you by our side, it's time that your brother have you by his" Astrid advised, how I love her, she might have a little bit of murderous mind but she can't possibly hate her friends that much, she value her friends so much that she went from valuing money and scolding us whenever we spent too much to spending 24 million like it was free water, all because she wanted the person who hurt her friend go to jail.

(You mean she wanted him dead -_-)

"Thank you, I wish I could stay with you here for a few more days but my brother and I have some business we haven't finished yet" I explained with a wink, they laughed but I still felt sad, I'll miss them, I'll be back, sure, but I feel like I'll miss on something big, really big.

I was hesitant when I announced that I was leaving, but I still managed, I wanted to spend time with them, as much as possible, I still have my promises to Fishlegs that I haven't fulfilled. Though this is just temporary, last time I left I felt left out for weeks and when the gang started noticing my weird behavior, they questioned me with worriednes, I didn't tell them at first but gradually gave in. I was afraid to leave again so for the past few years I didn't want to go back home

I didn't feel at ease though-, even after all of that comfort and reassurance, I still feel as if something is about to happen that I wish I didn't miss out. I brushed it off, we overthinking too much sometimes, right?

"Okay! Let's start this day with smiles! How about dinner made by me?!" Astrid asked excitedly, everyone in the gang went pale, "N-no thank you! Heather will cook us a 'see you soon' food instead!" Tuffnut declined immediately, Astrid just shrugged and handed me the pan. Astrid is pretty good at cooking, yes, but when it comes to cooking lunch or dinner, she adds too much seasonings, sometimes she adds too little, and the other time, she didn't cut the ingredients into their right shapes and size, it is also a disaster when she cooks, she takes too much risk, acting like she's some 5 star chef and is ready to burn the whole kitchen down.

Anyway, I started with some porkchop, then added the seasonings, my dream is to be a chef, I've always loved cooking ever since I was a kid, When my Mom cooked a meal for us, I always helped.

"Heatherr" Tuffnut called, his tone seemed bored or something. He was always the impatient one, well after Snotlout of course

"Wait Tuff, I'm cooking as fast as I can you know" I replied with a yell. He answered back with a yell as well saying "Make it faster Heathy, our stomachs aren't happy, they're crying for food!" He groaned

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