Chapter 4

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You pull up to Sawyer's house. He gets out of the car and walks around to hold your door open for you. Silently, the two of you walk up the driveway and go inside. Sawyer leads you to his living room and sits down next to you on the couch. "Let me see," he says, reaching for your hand. You let him take it, and as he examines the cuts, you can't help but wonder what this would feel like under another circumstance.
Sawyer frowns as he looks at your palms. "Does it hurt?" he asks, running his fingers over the scratches. You try to lie and say it's fine, but you wince in pain before you get the chance. Sawyer smirks and gets up. "Stay here," he orders, then walks out of the room. You can hear him rummaging through drawers in the bathroom down the hall. "Where's your family?" you question, noticing the emptiness of the structure. "They're at a party out of town." he replies from the other room. "They won't be back until tomorrow."
He comes back in with his hands full of medicine and some gauze, but he doesn't sit back down. Instead he motions for you to follow him back outside. Curious, you do so. He brings you past the barn to an empty hillside and sits down on the cool grass. You ease down next to him, and he starts dabbing your hands with some of the medicine. "I don't get much fresh air nowadays." he explains. "Sorry!" he says as you recoil from the sting of the medicine.
You laugh at his mortified expression. "It's okay Sawyer," you say reassuringly. He finishes with the medicine and begins wrapping your hands with the gauze. You gaze up at the stars. "Wow," you breathe. "It's beautiful tonight."
He smiles too. "Yeah," he agrees, and the two of you lay back and look at the stars together.

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