Chapter 29

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The relief of having your dispute set aside was huge. You can't ever bring yourself to be mad at Sawyer, and he knows it.
You stay holding on to him with his arms around you until he finally pulls away gently. You could have stayed like that for years, but all good things must come to an end. Naturally.
"Are you ready to go to sleep?" he murmurs, his eyes only on you. You take a breath shakily.
"I'm tired, but I don't want to go to bed yet. I can't relax. The nightmares might come back." You drop your gaze to the floor.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Sawyer asks. "I don't want you to be scared of your dreams."
"Don't worry about me Sawyer. It's not something we can prevent." you say, reassuring him. "Although, a movie does sound good right about now. I'm in. What are we going to watch?"
He grins. "Let's see what's on." he suggests. You follow him out into the living room area and he flops down onto a couch facing the large flatscreen. You're hesitant, but you ease yourself into the cushions and stretch out on the sofa with your feet resting on the edge and your back leaning into Sawyer's side and chest. The light overhead is causing your headache to worsen, so you angle your head towards the TV as Sawyer surfs the channels looking for movies while you keep from looking at lights in fear that your eyes might start streaming.
"Wanna watch Edward Scissorhands?" You yawn sleepily. "Sure," you mumble, closing your eyes and sinking into his warmth. However, after about ten minutes of you just listening to the movie and your throbbing headache fading, his breathing slows. You look at him to see that he's fast asleep in his sitting position. You smile and wriggle in closer. Twenty more seconds and you're fast asleep too. It's nice and warm snuggled up to him. So comfortable that you don't plan on telling him. Ever.
Your dreams are blank, and it's not until some hours later when you finally stir. Weak sunlight filtering through a nearby window shines in your face as you start to regain consciousness. You open one eye to see Sawyer, still sleeping peacefully. Carefully, as not to disturb him, you ride from the couch and rummage through the fridge in the kitchen to see what you have to work with. It's an open concept apartment, so you can see most of the rooms just from standing at the kitchen counter. You find some eggs, cheese, and ham. Aha, I can work wonders with this. You pull them out and turn on the stove.
Eight minutes later and the scrambled mash is ready. Now for the fun part: waking him up.
Hehehe. This'll be fun.
First you try staring at him for a few minutes. Nothing.
Next you play with his hair. Still motionless.
You turn up the TV volume. Nada.
Poke his cheek.
Whisper in his ear.
Purposely drop a pan in the other room.
Nope. Still asleep. That leaves one option. Slowly, you sneak over to the couch where he's sitting and snoozing, and you pounce, pinning him to the cushions.
"Wake up wake up wake up!" you shriek. His eyes fly open and he pushes you off onto the floor. He's about to tackle you to the ground when he sighs in recognition and he flops back onto the sofa.
"I nearly had a heart attack!" he grumbles. You start laughing hysterically. You manage to choke out an "I made breakfast." That gets him up for good. He stumbles into the kitchen and makes a plate for himself while you do likewise. You sit awkwardly at the cramped table in the corner and eat hurriedly so you can move on to something else to do. You each disappear into your rooms for a while to take a shower in your own little bathrooms, then you focus on taking inventory of what food you have for cooking purposes. It's not much, but it'll do for a few days. The two of you sit down and make a list of all the chores that need to be done and the items that need to be bought. It's a decent sized list, so it keeps you guys busy for a bit. When you finally finish, Sawyer gets out his phone and sits at the table while you go channel surfing in the other room.
"Tomorrow morning we start going to the studio." he says. "I'm excited and nervous at the same time. What about you?"
You shrug. "Me too, I guess. There's nothing for you to be worried about, Soy Sauce. You're a natural. Your voice is amazing. They love you already."
"Yeah, but what if it's too much?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What if I push myself too hard? What if I get sick? What if-"
You start to laugh. "Woah there, hold your horses. You're going to be fine. And if you do get sick, I can make you some chicken soup. Deal?"
His laughter carries through the apartment. "You're on." he teases. You just roll your eyes and keep on surfing. "Go buy me some chicken and noodles then if you're so confident in your future."
"I don't want to."
"It's your soup then."
"Why can't you get them?"
"Okay. One: I'm only fifteen! I can't drive yet! And two: I'm lazy and I don't know where the grocery store is. Now go."
The only sounds that follow are Sawyer muttering under his breath, the jingle of car keys, a quick "I'll be back in fifteen minutes,",and the sound of a car door slamming shut. You bask in your victory as you keep looking at the random channels, trying to find a TV show or movie that looks at least vaguely familiar.

I'm sorry it took me this long to update, I've been busy these past few days! I'm sorry loves :( I'm working hard to crank these out for you guys, so know I'm always writing!

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