Chapter 20

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You two walk outside into the pouring rain, and you're drenched in about five seconds. You look over at Sawyer, and you burst out laughing. His long blonde hair is being whipped about and plastered all over his face from the wind. You teasingly hand him a hair tie, and he accepts it gratefully. He pulls his locks into a soaked ponytail, and you do the same. You two frolic out in the rain for an hour, pushing each other into puddles and running through the freezing drops. You eventually suggest going back inside, and Sawyer puts a friendly and warm arm around your shoulders as you tromp back inside. You subtlety snuggle closer into his comfortable embrace. He doesn't seem to notice.
"C'mon, I want you to meet my friend I told you about." he says eagerly. You giggle at his enthusiasm. " You mean the friend that you told me nothing about?"
"Yeah, the very same!"
Laughing, you glance down quickly, then look back in shock.
"Sawyer! We never changed out of our pajamas!"
"Yeah, and?"
"And? We were talking to your manager and your publicist! You could've reminded me!"
"Calm down there Tigress. You look fine. I'm wearing mine too, remember?"
"Yeah, but- Did you just call me Tigress?"
"Yes, indeed I did. I think that's what I'm calling you from now on."
"Oh geez... Really?"
"Fine... I guess you could have picked worse."
In a fit of giggles, you two walk back into the house and into Sawyer's room. Remembering your soaking wet clothes and hair, you stand awkwardly in the doorway as Sawyer fetches you a towel. You tell him "Thanks," and sit on the bed, wrapped in the towel. Sawyer gets himself one too, and he also gets a blanket. He arranges it on your shoulders so it drapes over both of your backs. Both of you take out your ponytails and shake out your sopping wet hair. You run your fingers through your tangled hair, wincing when you pull at a knot. Sawyer does the same, and for a few minutes there's complete silence. You give up on your messy hair with a huff. Sawyer smirks and finishes with his own snarls. He flips up the lid of the laptop one last time. "Are you going to tell me who we're talking to?" you whine impatiently. Sawyer smiles. "You'll see."
"How am I supposed to see if I don't know who they are?"
"I said you'll see! Trust me."
Sighing, you slide closer to him and give him a pleading look. "Won't you just give me a hint? Just a little one?" He giggles and blushes, but doesn't give a single clue. You watch curiously as the computer screen opens up to what looks like the inside of a limo. It's just the view of an empty leather seat. You frown at your best friend sitting next to you. "Hey, Soy Sauce, nobody's there."
He raises an eyebrow. "Soy Sauce?" he asks. You giggle. "In exchange for Tigress," you tease. He shrugs. "I guess I'll put up with it for now."
Suddenly, a voice issues from the laptop. "Soy Sauce. I like it. Has a ring to it."
The voice makes you freeze. You know whose that is. You turn slowly to stare at Sawyer with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "No," you gasp. "You did not..." He just chuckles, and so does the person behind the screen. "I kinda did..." he admits nervously. "A little surprised, are we?"
You gape at him. "A little? How could I not! That's-"
A figure in a tuxedo slides into view, grinning and chuckling. "Hey there guys."
You and Sawyer are currently talking with the ever so famous minion lover. The Happy man. The Voice coach.
Pharrell Williams.
You sit there gasping for air like a dying fish until Sawyer discreetly elbows you under the webcam. You jump, then remember who's right in front of you.
"Oh my gosh... Pharrell Williams, I'm truly honored. I love you so much, and not just for putting up with Soy Sauce here."
Pharrell laughs. "It's cool. Sawyer's a great dude. His company was a pleasure. I'm touched that you're a fan."
Sawyer smiles and jumps into the conversation. "How are things?" he asks. Pharrell just shrugs. "Same as ever. Running smoothly. When does your plane leave?"
"Well, our plane," your heart leaps when he says 'our'. "Our plane leaves early Monday morning so we can avoid the crowds. I don't want to be ambushed by fans." Pharrell chuckles at Sawyer. "Smart choice. I've made that mistake before. Just brace yourself for the plane ride."
Sawyer grimaces. "Unfortunately I thought of that. I just hope that I don't get a middle seat so I'm surrounded." You laugh and push him playfully. "I've got your back Soy Sauce," you tease. He returns the shove smiling. "I'm counting on you Tigress," he warns. "I'd like to keep my possessions out of the hands of crazy teenage girls."
Pharrell laughs. "Good luck with that," he mutters, only half to you. Sawyer's grimace widens, and your fit of giggles gets louder. He looks at you darkly, and you quickly stifle the rest of your laughter. "Sorry," you whisper, and Sawyer just rolls his eyes. Pharrell smirks from the screen.
"Get used to it Soy Sauce. There will always be screaming fangirls waiting to mob you. That's just how it works."
Sawyer smiles weakly. He lets out a sharp exhale. "Yeah, I know. It's just going to take some time to get used to."
Pharrell wink at Sawyer, then looks at you. You gulp nervously as the music legend begins to address you. "Hey, Tigress."
Sawyer chuckles at his awful nickname for you. "Sup Pharrell?" you ask. He smiles and looks up. "Hmm, lets see. There's the ceiling, the sky, and an airplane. How about you guys?"
Giggling at his corny joke, you and Sawyer look out the bedroom window. It's still storming violently. A flash of lightning appears over the barn in the distance, and a huge crash of thunder shakes the ground. "Um, lots of storm clouds. Like, lots."
Pharrell laughs. "Fantastic," he says. "Look guys, I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I wish you well on your travels, and have fun. See ya kids."
You wave goodbye as the computer goes blank. It's a moment of silence, then you squeal and pull Sawyer in for a hug. "Thank you! That was amazing!" you say excitedly. He grins and returns the hug. "I thought you might like that," he says. "I'm guessing I was right."
At that moment a ginormous clash of thunder shakes the foundation. All of the lights flicker, then go out completely. Sawyer smiles giddily and leads you outside, holding an umbrella. "C'mon, lets go find Aric and Skylar. They said they had something planned for us to do if there was a power outage."
You give him a curious look. "What kind of something?"
He only smirks. "You'll see," he says smugly.
Great. Another mystery.

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