Chapter 10

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You wake up the next morning feeling stiff, but elated as you recall the events of yesterday afternoon. You and Sawyer had stayed in the tree until lunchtime, then he went inside to make sandwiches. Then the two of you fed the cows (and Jenny the donkey) and collected the eggs from the hens. Sawyer even let you nurse the calves, Mammoth and Marco. You stayed inside for the rest of the day, discussing the latest school drama. When you finally left, you made a quick escape. You knew it was a bit rude, but you wanted to make leaving a bit easier for him to deal with.
These thoughts stay in your mind as you get ready for school. You run outside in time to see the bus drive away, but then you notice the car waving it on by the end of your driveway. Sawyer's goofy grin was visible through the tinted windows. He gets out and opens the door for you.
"I thought you weren't allowed to drive by yourself," you tease getting in. He just laughs at you.
"Being me has its pro's."
The ride there is mostly boring, but you're greeted by a chorus of giggles from the other students as you get out in the parking lot. Sawyer just rolls his eyes at them and walks to his class with a quick "see ya later". A group of your friends come running over.
"Where you just with Sawyer? In his car?" asks Ally excitedly.
"Why weren't you on the bus?" says Rachel.
"Ooh, I bet they were kissing!" smirks Sydney.
"Shut up!" You hiss. "We weren't kissing! He thought it would be nice to see if I wanted a lift today. I would have missed the bus anyways."
You can tell they're disappointed by your story. "But what about Saturday?" Sydney pouts.
"What do you mean?" You say, alarmed that the incident might have been leaked.
"Ashley told the whole school that she saw you two on your little lunch date." Rachel says grimly.
You give a sigh of relief. "That's all?"
They frown. "There was more?" says Ally.
You shake your head. "No, he just wanted to hang out. You know that he's my friend!"
They sigh, defeated, and you walk to your class, realizing how close the truth came to slipping out.
When lunch finally arrived, you sit with your friends. They got up to get their food, and you patiently wait for them with a book at the now lonely table, when someone drops a note on your page and walks away before you can see who did it. You unfold the tiny slip of paper.

That was too close. Way too close. We can't do that again. Sorry.

You look around, and this time you catch a fleeting glimpse of a dark hat and long blonde hair. You stare at the note until your friends come back.
"What's that?" They ask curiously. You inconspicuously fold it back up. "Bookmark." you answer, only half-heartedly listening to their conversation.
You expected word to get around. At least one person was going to see the most popular junior out with the lame sophomore, but you didn't realize it would turn into the two of you secretly dating! Sure, the rumors sounded pleasant, but you and Sawyer had to stay just friends. That was just how it had to be. You wouldn't risk having Sawyer lose his career over your heart.
Would you?
Your friends keep talking, and they get your attention when Sawyer's name is mentioned. "Yeah, I overheard Ashley talking to him third period. She wanted to know if the rumors were true."
They all look at you, and you shrug helplessly. "They aren't true, okay? He just wanted to hang out. Am I allowed to have fun with my best friends without causing an uproar?"
They all exchange glances. "We believe you, but watch out for Ashley. She seems to think you're the only thing standing between her and dancing with Sawyer at prom." says Ally cautiously.
You roll your eyes. "Like she would actually do something about it."
Your friends still don't look convinced. "Still, watch out for her, okay?" asks Sydney.
You nod back at her. "I'll do my best." The bell rings, and the room clears out. You're one of the last ones to leave, like usual, yet you're the first to your next class, like usual.
The afternoon passes in a daze. When the final bell finally rings, you go out to the parking lot and see Sawyer arguing with someone by his car. You get closer and see that it's Ashley.
"But she's a weirdo! Why is she even your friend? You can do so much better!" she shouts, looking quite angry.
Sawyer's in a rage. He's about to yell something back at her when you approach her from behind. You hold up the essay you found on the ground next to her car (conveniently parked next to Sawyer's)
"Excuse me, but you dropped this." you say timidly. She snatches it from your hands.
"Freak." she retorts as she stomps to her car. You duck into the passenger seat to avoid the embarrassment. Sawyer does the same.
He still looks mad. "That lying little..." he mutters as he fumbles with the keys. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."
You look away. "She saw us." you say quietly. There's a quick moment of silence. Sawyer starts the car and says, "Yeah, she did. Listen, we-"
"No." you say forcefully. He looks at you, shocked.
"I don't want to hear it again. Please. Save me from your rant. I know what we did was risky, and that we can't do it ever again. I've figured it all out now. You don't like telling me these things, so I told myself for you."
He grimaces at your words and pulls out of the lot.
"You know me better than I do," he says, and you drive away from the school back to your house, where you two can be free once more.

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