Chapter 24

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It took you about twenty minutes, but you eventually calmed down enough to enjoy the soaring sensation of being in a plane. While Sawyer grumped in his middle seat, you were having a blast, bouncing around and craning your head to see out the closest window and getting glares from the man sitting on Sawyer's other side, oblivious to the fact that he was sitting next to the next big name in music. Sawyer just rolls his eyes and tries to read, but you keep jiggling his seat so much that he loses his place. He gives up on that and puts in his headphones, but your excitedly hushed squeals cause him to blare the music to the point that even you can hear it at a comfortable volume. Exasperated, he turns off the music and stares at you.
"It's not even nine in the morning!" he snaps. "Could you please shut up and let me relax?"
You look at him blankly. "What? It's exciting!"
You can't shake him out of his mood. He just growls another complaint and leans back in the seat with his earbuds in and his eyes closed. You sigh and dig a book out of your bag. You're a fast reader though, and soon the pages are history. You get out your phone and start listening to music instead. By then it's only 9:45, and the flight isn't due to land until at least 10:30. You copy Sawyer and droop into the comfy cushions.
Somewhere along the way you fall asleep. You're shaken awake by the plane touching the ground again. Sawyer's already gathering his stuff and he brushes past you without a word. You get stuck behind a long line of passengers, so by the time you get off the airplane Sawyer is no where to be seen. Frozen with fear, you stand there like a deer in headlights until a security official comes over. "Is there a problem miss?" he says gruffly.
You fake a weak smile and pull a false cheery tone. "No sir, I was just thinking. I'll be on my way now."
The guard grumbles and watches as you hurry away in a random direction, looking for that ever so familiar blonde hair. By now you've forgotten everything that was on your boarding pass, only the fact that the flight leaves at 11:30. You check the time, and it's only 10:39. Plenty of time, right?
After about twenty minutes of frantic searching you still haven't found him, and worry is starting to set in. You can't remember a single thing about what was on that stupid pass, and it's currently in Sawyer's carry-on. You decide to just randomly check all the gates until you find the right flight.
Twenty three minutes later, you finally find the right one.
People are already boarding as you scramble over. You desperately scan the long line of passengers but can't find Sawyer anywhere. You run over to the man taking passes.
"Excuse me sir, but has anyone named Sawyer Fredericks gotten on this flight yet?" you gasp. The man just frowns at you. "No ticket, no answer." he growls. You're almost on the verge of tears now, and you begin pleading with him. "Please sir, he's my friend, we got separated earlier, this is our flight but he has my pass, and-"
"Woah woah woah," he cuts in. "Let a guy breathe. I'll have someone check to see if your friend has your pass, but if he doesn't it's outta here with you. Got it?"
You nod tearfully as the man gets out a walkie-talkie and mutters some words. Thirty seconds later a reply crackles in and he beckons you closer. "We're having someone bring your pass out, okay? We found him."
You exhale gratefully. "Thank you so much sir. I didn't mean to cause anyone trouble."
He just shrugs. "Don't worry about it. Happens every day."
A woman peeks her head through the tunnel that takes you to the plane and hands the man a pass. He inspects it and waves you on. You follow the woman on to the airplane with grumpy passengers behind you. Your legs are shaking with relief, but your fists are shaking with anger.
What in the world is with that boy? you seethe in your head. First he yells at me, then he intentionally gets me lost in an airport! What was he thinking? I could've been left in Chicago! What's his problem today? He was fine before the flight!
You stomp on the plane, fuming with rage. Your blazing eyes locate Sawyer and you sit down next to him with a huff. "What is your issue?" you hiss. "First you lose your temper, then you desert me in an airport!"
He scowls and looks out the window next to him. "Maybe you could stop acting like a two-year-old in a candy store." he says coldly. "This is a business trip, and you need to get serious. Since you obviously can't keep your cool, I guess-"
You interject before he finishes. "Wait-what? You're telling me that you did that on purpose?!?"
He shrugs placidly. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"
That's it. You let out all of the rage with your fists clenched and your eyes streaming in a furious whisper.
"Why do I ask? Hmm, let's see! Firstly you yell at me for being excited, then you ditch me in an airport and cause me to almost miss the flight, and now you're acting like a total jerk about it! What is wrong with you? You don't just leave someone like that! Ever! It's not okay to leave your best friend by themselves in a crowded place, and it's especially wrong when you leave them when they don't know where they are, they're scared half to death, and you're holding their only ticket out of there! I don't know what you were drinking when you thought that was a good idea, but you were dead wrong. Don't you ever dare to even think about doing that again. Who knows, maybe I won't be around to fall for it next time. Think about that."
He sits there and stares at you with his mouth gaping as you pick up your things and take another empty seat on the other side of the plane letting someone take the spot next to Sawyer, trapping him in the window seat. You stare out your window with a tear trickling down your face. The woman who sits next to you falls asleep before the plane even leaves the ground. You put your headphones in, but the only songs you have are Sawyer's, and you don't want to be reminded of him right now, but you can't help pressing play. His voice always makes you feel better, no matter the situation. You feel a vibration in your hand, and you stare at the text message that has just come in.
I'm sorry. I'll apologize in full later. You can't tell anyone about this. It'll make me look bad to the press. That's from Monica. I'm so sorry :(
The reply doesn't even register in your thoughts. It's like your fingers have a brain of their own.
I get it. You care more about the money than your family. Whatever. Just leave me out of it.
His response takes a while. The words must have stung.
You know that's not true. Don't drag my family into this. It's not fair to them.
You sob into your sweater and begin typing yet again.
I thought I was your family. I was like a little sister to you. I guess I know where I stand now.
A long minute of silence follows, then your phone beeps. You check it reluctantly.
I can't do this now. Wait till tonight. I'm so sorry. I had no idea what I was doing to you. I'm sorry for the confusion. We need to set this straight in person.
A cold sinking feeling roots itself in your heart and refuses to dislodge.
What confusion? I get it. I'm just that annoying friend who doesn't ever leave, and you were planning to get rid of me in Chicago.
A lump settles itself in your throat as your conversation continues.
Why would I invite you to LA with me then? You're the closest thing I have to a sister, and I'm sorry I said that earlier. Can you forgive and forget about this until tonight? I can't stay mad over a text, and I know that you can't either.
You blankly stare at the screen, a waterfall of hot tears running down your face.
Maybe one day I'll forgive you, but I won't ever forget. Leave me alone. You wouldn't understand. I'll put up with you until tonight, tops. After that it's no promises.
He seems to see straight through your message.
You wouldn't actually leave, would you?
Would you?
You sadly input one final message and turn off your phone, still listening to the sweet tones of Sawyer's voice.
If I found a reason to go, you know I would. I just don't know...

Hey there! I'm back again, so I thought I'd give you something nice and long to make up for my absence, and a nice little cliffhanger just for fun. Hehehe... :D
Next update coming soon!!! ;)

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