Chapter 28

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The afternoon slowly fades into evening, but the party stays strong. You, despite now having a splitting headache, are actually having fun hanging out with Deedee and Chainsaw. They're both quite nice, and you're looking forward to working with them in the future. However, you and Sawyer have a serious case of jet lag, so you leave Sawyer to usher everyone out at about nine while you go to get ready for bed. You're halfway through brushing your teeth when you remember.
The confrontation.
An icy claw grabs your chest as you finish getting ready. Couple that with your headache and BAM, you're shaking with nerves.
Relax. you tell yourself. Calm down. Everything will turn out right. It's going to be okay. Trembling, you sit on your bed for a few minutes, then there's a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Sawyer asks, his voice soft. You take a deep breath. "Yeah," you answer, and the door swings open. He's wearing another white long sleeved shirt with blue sweatpants on. His golden hair is combed to perfection as it ripples over his shoulders. He steps in cautiously, avoiding your eyes. He sits down next to you on the bed.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was just so nervous about this trip that I was overestimating you. I didn't know that you would be scared if I went ahead. I thought you had your pass and you would work it out. I had no idea I was hurting you like that. You told me to save it earlier, and I have. This is all I've been saving. My worst mistake was telling you to pretend to be someone you're not. That just made everything worse, and I was a horrible jerk. I wish I never did any of it, but I did, and now I'm trying to put that right. Please, can you forgive me?"
You sigh as he looks at you pleadingly. "Sawyer, I know you're sorry. It was dumb, and it's good you understand that, but I want to know why it had to happen. We've been on some rocky roads lately, and I wish we could go back to the good days, but we can't. Those are over. Why have you changed so much lately?"
He tries to respond, but he gets stuck on an inhale. You look at his face, and you're shocked. He's sobbing. A river is flowing from his cerulean irises, and it's agony to watch. He wipes away his tears with his sleeve, but more take their place. His form shudders, unable to talk, and you instantly slide over to him. A tear of your own slides down your cheek as you carefully bring yourself closer to him. He faces you and you can barely bring yourself to look at his face. He takes your hands with his own, guides you up, and pulls you into a hug. It's warm and cozy in his arms. You two cry quietly together, him into your hair and you into his shoulder. His hands move up and down on your back reassuringly. "Shh, don't cry." he breathes. You want desperately to stop, but you can't stop choking on air and gasping for more. You cling onto Sawyer tightly so he knows not to let go, and he doesn't. You can hear his heart thumping in his chest, and his breathing is now steady. You take a peek and see that his eyes are still watery and red, but nothing escapes. On the other hand, you're the opposite. The longer you sob the harder it is to stop, and it's been a while. Your thin wails fill the room.
Sawyer keeps whispering in your ear. "Shh, it's okay. It's alright. I'm here for you. Don't worry. It's okay..."
After a few minutes of this, the steady stream of lines being hushed into your ear changes staccato. He begins quietly giving you an answer.
"I was changing for everyone. The world had to see me one way, and the ones I care about most can't see me another. I thought that by distancing myself from them would make it easier in the future when I have to leave for good. I never thought that it would backfire and end up like this. I tried the alternative and pressured you to change with me, but a free spirit cannot be suppressed. I've been ripping you to pieces in the process, and whenever you get hurt it reflects onto me. It hurts, so so much. I'm the worst friend ever, and I know you'll never forget that, but can you ever forgive me?"
You take a few rocky breaths and look up at his face, still not letting go. "Sawyer, I will always forgive you. You're my protector, my best friend, and my honorary brother. I could never let you go, not in a million years. I can't do anything without you by my side, and I don't want that to ever change. You're there when I need you, and you go the extra way just to make sure I'm okay. I've never met anyone who cares as much as you. You're kind, sweet, funny, and wise, and I hope that this friendship never ends. I only hope that you can forgive me for putting extra pressure on your life."
Now you're both dry eyed, and you didn't look away from his face while you said that. Sawyer gently brushes the hair out of your face and stares into the depths of your eyes. "There's nothing to forgive." he murmurs. You lean back into his chest. "Please just say it anyways," you ask. He sighs, then follows up on your wish.
"I promise that I will always forgive you." he says softly into your ear.
"Will you always be my best friend?"
"Will you always treat me as a brother would a sister?"
"Will you always come back, no matter how badly we fought or how far we've been separated?"
He hesitates slightly on the last one, but his answer is confident. "Always."
You smile. "Good."
He smirks, but still doesn't release his grip. "Do all of those go for you as well?"
You giggle and twist a lock of his hair around your finger. "What do you think?" you mutter. He chuckles and smoothed down a piece of your hair.
"I think I'll take that as a yes."

A/N: yay, I actually stick to my schedule for once! Lol. This was meant to be a tear jerker, so here are the tissues.
*throws tissues everywhere*
(I will update as soon as I can, I promise! ;) )

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