Chapter 19

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Sawyer grins as he opens the laptop again. "One down, two to go." he says. "You ready? I'll warn you, Monica can get a bit hyper."
You giggle at him. "I'm fine Sawyer," you tease. "I can deal with a crazy publicist."
"Alrighty then. Here we go!"
The screen flashes, then goes black. You're a bit confused, but Sawyer starts talking to the empty frame. "Monica? Hello?" Two seconds later, the darkness dissolves to show a young woman sitting at a desk with her computer in front of her. She squeals when she sees you, and you almost recoil from the image. It looks like she's just stepped inside London Tipton's room from The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody. Everything behind her is glittery and colorful, and she's wearing a bright pink track suit with rhinestones for embellishments. Her hair is dyed bleach blonde, and her face is practically drowned in makeup. You can hear her long fingernails clacking on the keys out of the frame. "Bonjour my darlings!" she says in an obviously fake French accent. "How are those nasty storms so far?"
Just then, a huge crash of thunder erupts out of nowhere. You, startled, jump at the sudden noise and cling to Sawyer's arm with a terrified expression on your face. He laughs and gently coaxes your grip to loosen. With your face feeling about as red as a fire truck, you slide away until there's about three feet at least between you two on the bed. Monica shrieks happily from the computer, obviously thrilled by the little drama.
"I was going to talk about our public story, but it looks like you've already got one!" she trills. You frown at her. "Excuse me, but what in the world are you talking about?"
She rolls her eyes at you. "Isn't it obvious?" she demands shrilly. "Present yourself as a couple!"
You and Sawyer both chorus "Absolutely not!" at the same time. You feel a sharp tug in your chest. You're not sure which hurt more: you denying the truth, or the fact that Sawyer disagreed so quickly. Meanwhile, your best friend is looking quite annoyed at Monica. "I already told you no." he hisses. She just giggles sickeningly. "I know sweetie, but look at her! We've been chatting for about thirty seconds and she's already clinging off your arm! It would be so easy!"
Sawyer growls dangerously. "We are not discussing this. I'm not doing it, and she won't either. That's settled."
Monica's bubbly exterior melts away at Sawyer's protests. Now she looks utterly bored, and she drops the accent so she sounds exactly like the voice on the phone a few days ago.
"Honey, there's only so many options here. That's the easiest one for all of us."
Sawyer begins arguing with Monica again, and you begin to think over what she said. It would be easier to just say that you two were lovers and give the media an easy story, but Sawyer just won't have it. Is it because he doesn't want me to be front page of the tabloids, or because he's embarrassed to be seen with me? you wonder. He's like a brother to me, but could he ever be my boyfriend?
Sadly, you shake these thoughts away. It can't happen, you tell yourself. It just can't. Which do you treasure more, his happiness or your own? Knowing the answer to your own question, you sit back and let the others clash it out.
"It's not happening. You see what happens to the people who get dragged into this hot mess that you call fame. Their lives get ruined! Do you want me to just sit here and watch as the press eat her alive? I won't stand for it!"
"Dearie, you had to have seen this coming. We've only got a few days, and your whole "she's just my friend" story isn't working at all. They're already going with my story, so why not enhance the details and just be done with it?"
"No! You don't understand! It's not that easy! Have you thought about what'll happen if... if..." His voice falters and he hangs his head in defeat. Sawyer swallows, a bit embarrassed at what he was about to say. You slide closer to him and reassuringly press against him. "It's okay," you tell him. "I get it." You look up and glare at Monica.
"Did you ever think of what would happen if Sawyer found himself a girlfriend while he's apparently in a relationship with me? It would ruin his entire reputation. It won't work, so let it go. Find something else that doesn't involve romance." With those final words, you shut the lid of the computer. Sawyer's still staring straight ahead. "Thanks for that," he mutters harshly. You're taken aback by his tone. "What's the matter?" you demand. "This isn't like you!"
He throws up his hands, exasperated. "None of this is like me!" he shouts angrily. "None of it! There's just so much pressure, it's causing me to change who I am just for society! It's frustrating! We leave for LA in four days and I still can't figure out how in the world I'm going to make this work! I didn't want any of this!"
He was about to go on, but then he sees your face, frozen in a look of shock and fear. His temper immediately dissolves, and his expression softens. His hands fall weakly back onto the bed, and his eyes ablaze with anger mellow until they're back to their usual blue. You're alarmed at his outburst. "Are you sure you want me to come?" you ask quietly. "If this is such a burden, I'll stay. I don't want to see you like this if I can help it."
Sawyer gives you a pleading look. "No, please, come with me. I don't know what I'll do without you."
"What you'll do is relax and stop being so stressed out."
"No, I won't. It doesn't do either of us any good if we're on separate sides of the country."
"Yeah, but it looks like I'm just putting on extra stress. Sawyer, maybe I really should stay..."
"No! Please!"
You can practically feel your heart breaking as he pleads with you, and you finally give in.
"Fine, I'll come, but you have to promise to relax."
"I will, I promise. C'mon, let's go watch the storms like we always do."
Smiling, you follow your best friend down the stairs. "What about your friend?"
"He can wait. Oh, I hear thunder! Don't get scared!"
"Shut up doofus."
"Here, do you need someone to hold on to?"
"I said shut up!"

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