Chapter 14

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The idea of a ditch-day was a good one on your part. It was a truly relaxing day: the two of you sit back and watch as many movies as you can. At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Sawyer rises to leave, but you have to ask him a question first.
"Sawyer? Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure. What is it?"
"Will you ever move from here?"
"Will you eventually move to LA? I know Pharrell talked to you about it when you won."
The question startles him, but he still answers. "He did talk to me about it, but I told him I didn't want to go. I might have to stay there a while, but it'll only be temporary. I'll always be a small town farm boy at heart. I don't think I could ever actually live in a city."
You breathe a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. I just wanted to make sure." You're assured by his answer, but he's unsettled by your need to ask. "Did you think I would really leave?" he asks.
"It seems a bit inevitable, doesn't it? You need to be close to your work, don't you? I'm just saying that it looks like it's a real possibility."
He shrugs, doubtful of your concerns. "You never know what's going to happen, but I won't move if I can help it. That's a promise."
"Okay. It was just on my mind, that's all. See ya tomorrow I guess."
"See ya."
He ducks out the door, and almost immediately pokes his head back in. "I'll be giving you another ride by the way. I know how much you hate the bus."
Laughing, you protest. "You don't have to you know. I can manage for a few more days."
His smile widens. "I know I don't have to. I just want to."
"Bye Sawyer."
"Bye bye."
You wait until the sounds of his car driving away fade to nothing, then you sink dreamily into the couch. You would have never dreamed in a million years that Sawyer would want to have you of all people go on what could be the most important trip of his life and career. At least you admitted that you were worried that he would move from home, but that still didn't erase the uneasy feeling in your head.
A month in LA with your secret love. That may sound like heaven to anyone else, but to you it sounds like absolute terror. Your mind instantly flies to the worst conclusions.
What if he finds out? What if something happens and he leaves without you? What if he doesn't like you in the same way and your friendship is ruined?
Taking panicked deep breaths, you calm yourself down and scold yourself for doubting Sawyer.
He's your best friend. He wouldn't do that to you. He may not want you as his soulmate, but he still loves you like a brother does a sister. He said it himself anyways: he cares too much about you to hurt you. He's going to find out at some point anyways, so you shouldn't worry too much about that.
Now you feel pretty stupid for worrying so much. You're going to LA for goodness sakes! Lighten up! Stop worrying so much!
Shaking your head to try and clear your mind, you get up from the couch stiffly to get your school things together. Despite lounging on the couch all day, you're still tired, and you flop down on your bed. You plan to only take a short nap, but when you wake up, it doesn't take long for you to realize that it's 6:30 in the morning. Groaning, you decide to grudgingly get ready for the long day ahead. You stumble into the kitchen to have breakfast with your parents before they leave early for work. It takes you longer than usual, but you're finally ready at 7:25. Sawyer's not at your house yet, so you sit outside with a book and begin to read. He arrives about 23 pages in. You hop in the car and he starts to drive. "No more nightmares I presume?" he jokes. You punch him lightly in the arm. "Don't tell anyone about that!" you plead. He giggles mischievously and doesn't respond. In no time, you're back at the school parking lot, but this time someone's waiting for you two to show up by the last empty spot. You stiffen as you get closer and make out the person's face. It's Ashley, and she doesn't look too happy. Sawyer looks like he could run her over with the car, but he regains control over the brake pedal. "Stay in the car," he mutters furiously under his breath, and he climbs out and angrily slams the door shut with a little more force than necessary. You do as he says, but you open the tinted windows a crack to hear what's going on.
Ashley's sneering at Sawyer now. "Aww, check it out! The happy couple's back! How was your little honeymoon yesterday?"
His hands are in fists by his side. He steps forward threateningly. "Let it go Ashley. You wanted to dance with me at prom, huh? I guess that's out the window now. Stop trying to make me miserable because you're jealous."
"Jealous!" she laughs. ""Jealous of who?" She looks at the car and freezes. Why did he only have to get a half-tinted windshield?
She slowly turns back to Sawyer triumphantly. "I was right!" she cackles. "You do fancy her!"
Sawyer just shakes his head. "That's where you're wrong. She's my best friend, and that's all there is to it. Stop making a mountain out of a nonexistent molehill."
With Ashley screaming in laughter and everyone who overheard (AKA: the entire school) staring, Sawyer opens the door for you and stalks off to his first class stonily. Thankfully, Ashley decides that it's time for her to go too, so she leaves you to scurry off by yourself, being pointed at and whispered about by basically the entire school. Even Rachel, Ally, and Sydney stand away gaping. You sit down just as the bell rings, and you prepare yourself for six hours of embarrassment. Your only relief is lunch, because then you can go sit by yourself in the back and read the entire time. You can see Sawyer on the other side of the room at a table full of laughing teens, and you grumpily turn back to your book. Finally, the bell that signals the end of lunch sounds right on cue. You file out between two girls that were sitting with Sawyer. They're giggling hysterically.
"I think we really have a connection!" one of them squealed. "Maybe we'll get together! Ooh, then I'll be famous!" one whispers. The other just laughs her off.
"No way! Did you see the way he looked at me when I talked about not having a date yet? He's gonna dance with me, I just know it!"
You roll your eyes and keep walking until you're behind two football jocks. Sadly, their conversation is based on Sawyer too.
"Dude, he's like my best friend now. He even lets me sit with him and his lady friends! How cool is that?" one boasts, his chest noticeably puffed out.
"Nah dude, we actually have classes together. I got a desk next to him in English. He's a fun guy to talk to. If he were to pick anyone in this school to have as a best friend, it would be me." the other one retorts.
You're stunned. You knew he was famous, but you didn't realize that practically the whole school was competing for your position as Sawyer's closest friend! Suddenly, you realize just how lucky you actually are to have Sawyer as your best friend, and that he hasn't given away your spot in his life yet.

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