A Quick Little A/N

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Hey guys!

Thank you all sooooo much for taking precious time out of your lives to actually read my little story! I've actually been keeping this a secret from my parents, but last night I got so excited from seeing that my story's on the "What's Hot" list for the SawyerFredericks tag that I squealed randomly during dinner and had to explain myself...



I also wanted you to know that even though I've stopped replying to your wonderful comments, don't think that means that I don't see and appreciate them! I read every single one, and it's touching that so many people like my story!

I just wanted to say that for future reference.

(Chapter 14 will be out very soon, I promise!!!)

Wait! Did you know that I have an Instagram account! Go follow @welovesawyerfrdrx to see what I'm up to and loads more Sawyery goodness!

Okay, I think that's everything, and if not...

Alright, I probably should stop before I make this even worse for myself.


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