Chapter 15

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As you walk into your science class after lunch, everyone in the class stares at you. Ignoring them, you go and sit at the last empty lab table by yourself. The teacher, Mr. Mason, walks in 6 seconds after the bell. "Hello class!" he exclaims. "Today, we'll be starting our science projects for the annual science fair at the end of the semester. Now, I want you to get with a partner, and start brainstorming!" Looking around the room, he spots you partner-less and motions for you to come up to the front. Confused, you walk up, and he starts to have a hushed conversation with you.
"Don't fret, miss. Mister Fredericks has already informed me of your little trip, so instead, I want you to write me an essay on any recent scientific news with your opinions on the topic with full detail. Okay?"
You smile and nod. "You got it sir." He winks back at you. "On my desk by Friday morning." he says. "Oh, by the way, have fun while you're there."
"Thanks Mr. Mason," you whisper. He smiles and starts walking around the room, checking on the groups. You go sit back down at your seat and begin writing the introduction for your essay.
Before you know it, the class comes to a close. You head back to your locker, grab your English papers, and run to Mrs. Amos's room, but when you get there, she's waiting outside for you. She closes the door behind the last student so the two of you can talk alone.
"I take it you have an idea of what I want to talk to you about?"
"Yeah, pretty much. I've already finished the book-"
"I know you have. You can just do whatever in the back, as long as it's quiet. The rest of the class won't finish until October at this rate, so you are free to do as you please. You're all caught up."
"Thanks Mrs. Amos!"
"You're welcome dearie. Enjoy yourself."
You merrily step through the door, find a desk in the back, and work on your science essay until the bell rings again. One more to go, you think cheerfully. Then you can go home with Sawyer.
As you start heading towards your Social Studies class, your folder splits open, dumping all of your papers on the ground. The hallway roared with laughter as you bend down, trying to pick them up as fast as you can. A few seniors kick the papers away from you, but a few people secretly slide them closer with their feet. By the time you get everything together, the hallway is almost completely empty. You cross the doorframe about 2 seconds early and you get a disdainful look from Mrs. Morris. "Sorry," you mutter quietly as you sit down.
The next forty-five minutes are full of an extremely boring lecture on the Great Depression, and by the end you've resorted to doodling on the back of your hand to stay awake. You stand up to leave, but Mrs. Morris calls you to her desk. Anxious to get out of there, you impatiently hear her out.
"I know that you and Mister Fredericks have a trip planned for the rest of the school year, but that will not get you a free pass from the test on Friday. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Please note that I will be taking that test grade as your final, so please make an effort on this."
"Noted ma'am. Am I free to go?"
"You are released."
Without another word, you grab your stuff and run out of the room to Sawyer's car. He's waiting for you in the car, doing homework. A frustrated sigh escapes his lips as you get in the car. "I'm a national celebrity, yet I still can't seem to solve a stupid trigonometry problem."
You giggle, looking over his paper. "You know, x goes here, not there." you tease. He looks at you astonished. "You're right, but how... You've never done trigonometry before!"
"I may have snuck a peek at your textbooks when you were sleeping the other day..."
"Smart people are annoying, did I ever tell you that?"
"Yes actually. That's my main motivation for studying half the time."
"Fantastic... At least they don't have textbooks in the hotel."
"I'll find a way to annoy you somehow."
"You always do."
Laughing, you pull a lock of his hair lightly. "Ow," he says jokingly as the car pulls up to a driveway. Shocked, you see that you're at his house, not yours. "Um, Sawyer? Why are we here?"
He takes his time in answering, just for his own amusement. "Since you're coming with me too, there's a lot of preparations to be done. My mother figured it would be better if you just stayed with us until you leave. Your mom says hi by the way. She said that they probably won't be able to make it to our departure, so she says she loves you and happy traveling."
"She does realize that I could call her, right?"
"I'm just passing the message along. Your stuff's already inside."
"Awesome. Let's go."
Getting out of the car, you see your second family standing by the front door waiting for you. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks, your adoptive parents almost. Skylar and Aric, the two older brothers, are both lounging around, grinning and playing around. As if called, the Fredericks' pup Tanner comes around the side of the house, tail wagging and tongue lolling from the side of his goofily-smiling muzzle. You look at the farm that you will always love, with it's beautiful views and it's funny farm animals, and it's wonderful family, and you think to yourself,
This place is where I belong.

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