Chapter 34

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"Is anyone here for Sawyer Fredericks?"
Your head snaps up from your phone. "We are." you call as you and Barry walk over to the doctor. "How is he?" you as.
The man chuckles. "He's just fine. Only a broken wrist, and that's easily fixable. We gave him a cast, and he should be good to go. Make sure it stays dry, and he needs to come back to get it removed, but that's about it. Follow me."
He walks you to the ER and you immediately spot a gloomy Sawyer sitting upright on a gurney, talking to a nurse in her twenties who appears to be a fan. He looks uncomfortable under the attention, and you can't help but giggle at his pained expression as he looks at you pleading for help. You smirk and look away, but the next time you glance back she's joined by two other women, all asking questions in rapid succession and holding out their smartphones. Poor Sawyer looks baffled, and your vision hazes to red as you march over.
"Don't you all have tests to run?" you snap at them. He glares at you warily as they turn and size you up. All obviously bleached blonde with about a pound of makeup on.
You start to take a step towards them, but Sawyer stands up hurriedly and puts his good hand on your shoulder. "Let's go." he mutters. "I'm fine. Let's just go. Don't do anything stupid."
The women scowl and disperse as Sawyer steers you away.
"I hate nurses," he whispers, and you can't help but burst out laughing. "Even the ones who try and take a picture with you?"
He rolls his eyes. "Especially the ones who try and take pictures of my pain."
Your eyes flicker to the blue bandage wrapped around his hand and lower arm. "They said it's only a simple fracture," he explains. "A clean break. I'll be back in business in no time. Nothing to worry about."
You nod wordlessly. He removes his grip, deciding that you're calm enough to consider your own actions. You two meet Barry up front, who's just finishing the discharge papers. "Alright kids," he says rather cheerfully. "Let's get you to Mick in one piece, shall we?"
You giggle at his optimism. "We shall." you say firmly and haul Sawyer promptly out of the ER with his feet practically sliding on the floor. "Off we go to thy studio!" you cry as you quickly get into the car. Barry chuckles at your jokes, but Sawyer sighs. "Here we go again," he says wearily. "More quotes all day long." He groans in his seat. "I'll never hear the end of this now."
You frown. "What, you don't like it when I quote my favorite films and literature? I find that both mature and immature of you, Mr. Sawyer Christopher Fredericks."
"Oh, great. Now I get all the sophisticated talk too?"
"Alas! You do! Blimey, look at that! We've got ourselves a real genius over here everyone! Someone alert the media!"
"No! Do not alert the media! Abort the media! Abort I tell you!"
"Sawyer! I'm going to choke I'm laughing so hard!"
"I'm blending in to my surroundings. I'm like a chameleon!"
Tears run down your face as you gasp for air, desperate for oxygen to stop the laughter that turned into a rough coughing fit for both of you. Barry gives you both a strange look in the mirror. "Do I need to pull over or kick you out?" he asks. This sends you both back into hysterics, and he shakes his head. "You know what? Forget that I asked. In fact, forget that I said anything at all. I'm not going to be held responsible for you two weirdos laughing too hard and busting your lungs or something foolish like that."
Needless to say, it's a long while before you finally can catch your breath and stop laughing.
At long last, after what seems like forever, you pull into the lot of a certain recording studio. DeeDee is waiting for you by the front door, looking anxious. Once you walk up and she seems you as uninjured, she gives you a warm hug. "I'm so excited!" she says, giving Sawyer a hug as well. The red haze comes back when she touches him, but you put it under control this time. She may be sixteen like Sawyer, but she's still a professional. There's no competition there, you assure yourself. Besides, DeeDee is your friend. She wouldn't do anything to hurt you deliberately.
It might be your mind messing with you, but Sawyer seems to cling onto her a few seconds longer before he actually lets go. Again, the haze, and you have to look at the ground to keep your temper in check.
DeeDee lightly touches Sawyer's cast while he tells her the story. It's making you really uncomfortable to see her so close to him, but you manage.
It's my brain playing tricks on me. you think. I'm just getting jealous of nothing. I need to learn to stop caring so much.
Did she just wink at him? Oh, heck to the NO!
I don't think I'm doing very good at this whole 'not caring' thing...
Barry stays in the car to make some calls, and DeeDee leads you two inside. You walk around for a few minutes in awe of everything. "This place is phenomenal," you breathe. DeeDee giggles. "I can remember my first time here like it was yesterday." she says.
Sawyer is just as amazed as you are, if not more.
DeeDee brings you to a recording room and goes in, leaving you two alone outside for a minute.
"I actually get to work in these places?!?" he marvels.
You take your eyes away from the wondrous scene and look at Sawyer. "This is just the beginning," you say softly. He meets your gaze and sighs. "No going back now," he says. Suddenly, he reaches over and takes your hand in his good one. You suck in a sharp inhale and feel your chest tighten at his touch.
"I want to go out of the old days the same way I went in." he says, looking at you with joy. "With you by my side. I couldn't have done any of this without my best friend."
You smile and squeeze his hand. "Let's go. They're waiting for us."
Still holding hands, you walk into the room and start a new era of your friendship.
The old days are gone, and the new days are just about to begin.

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