Chapter 1

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A beautiful day on Naboo, slightly wet after a powerful monsoon. The sun was present shining every inch of the ground. The gorgeous flowers blooming in every dirt patch on the ground, with people all without the streets enjoying the fresh new  smell of the rain.

Little markets all in the streets selling freshly baked goods, perfect bouquets of a huge variety of flowers, hand sewn clothing with beautiful designs.

"Mother, look at these ones!" Young princess Y/N pointed out to her mother.

"Yes N/N, are those the ones you are going to chose?" Queen Arisme said to her young daughter.

"Yes Mother, I think they are the perfect shade of pink, they would fit perfectly with my new dress!"
Y/N excitedly jumped up and down, enjoying the loving attention from her mother.

"Yes sweetheart, mind going to find your father for us to go get lunch after this? He was quite the complete opposite of happy when we were looking at those baked goods!" Queen Arisme laughed with her daughter, shooing her away with her hand.

Young Y/N scouted the streets for her father, looking in every alley and every market stand to find where he was, running up and down every hill and quickly dodging every moving cart. The streets were pretty safe since every citizen was kind to Y/N, and knew not to mess with her because she was royalty.

Or they thought..

Quickly young Y/N was pulled by her incredibly long hair, and into an alley. Her mouth was covered and her body was thrown to the floor.

"Get off me!" She pleaded while her mouth was still covered, she tried to pry his hand off, but her strength for a 11 year old girl was not that strong.

"Shut up you little brat!" He punched her in her stomach

Y/N choked, she struggled to scream or even fight back.

"Your life is a little too perfect, and I'm about to ruin it." He slammed her head against the pavement, and she was out like a light.


Y/N gasped awake, remembering what had happen to her, but when she looked around, she didn't recognize where she was.

"Where am I-" She was cut off by her trying to move but her hands were chained to a wall.

She sat in silence, frozen in fear-

"Goodmorning, and welcome." A man says.

"Where am I? Why am I here!" She pleaded, wanting to know what this place was and why she was here.

"I am Count Dooku, and from now you will call me Master." He said with a smirk.

"I don't understand, why am I here?" She cried, she was only so young and didn't understand what was next.

"You will be joining me in my buisness, and you will be my servant." He laughed, he knew exactly why.

"Why did you take me? You know I am a princess!" She shouted lightly, she didn't want to make him upset.

"Because, your parents, King Frimel and Queen Arisme haven't payed their depts yet." He laughed

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Years ago, I helped your parents become the people they are now, the rulers of Naboo." He said

"But why did you take me?" Y/N asked

"Because they never helped me succeed my dream, so I took theirs."

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