Chapter 15

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3rd person POV:

King Frimel and Queen Arisme were sitting in a metal box like room, chained to the walls with force cuffs.

General Griveous had taken them to get revenge for Dooku, his master. He was planning to kill them sooner or later, and leaving Y/N to feel remorse and give up Naboo to him.

"Please don't do this!" King Frimel pleaded, shackling his chains in attempt to break free and save his wife.

"Well, if you don't want me to do this, then you should've thought on your actions before!" General Griveous laughed, moving his lightsaber towards Arisme's neck.

"Please, I never meant for what had happen to happen, I just wanted a family!" Frimel pleaded again, tears running down his face.

"Well, say your goodbyes as you both will be dead by then end of this conversation." General Griveous said.

"Arisme, I love you so much. Please hang in there and we will be okay honey. I will make sure our daughter is safe and we will be back to a happy-" Frimel was cut off when his heart dropped.

Griveous had sliced off his wife's head with his lightsaber, causing her head to fall and roll on the floor with a trail of blood.

"Nooo!" King Frimel screamed, trying to run towards his wife and hold onto her decapitated body, but couldn't because he was still chained.

"I said a goodbye, not a plan." Griveous laughed as he was getting closer to taking Y/N for himself and taking over Naboo.

Frimel sat in terror, tears streaming down his face, now he was without his wife and his daughter was without their mother.

"Come on, say more." Griveous tried to tease him.

Frimel wouldn't say anything, just say crying. He thought to himself, thinking about how his family was now ruined.

"Fine, I'll just kill you too. It makes my job easier." Griveous raised his lightsaber and pelted it down at Frimels head, slicing his brains into half.

Griveous laughed, knowing he was now able to take over Naboo without its rulers to protect it. The last thing was just Y/N.

"General Griveous." A certain familiar voice said, making Griveous turn around.

"Obi-wan, and Anakin Skywalker? I was expecting someone like you with your reputation to be a little bit older." General Griveous walked closer, piercing his eyes down at Anakin.

"General Griveous, you are shorter than expected." Anakin said, suddenly raising his lightsaber and stabbing into Griveous's shoulder.

"Ugh you asshole!" Griveous yelled, starting to run away and calling his droids to attack them.

"Anakin, you find Y/N's parents! I'll kill these droids!" Obi-wan ordered Anakin to do, making Anakin run and look into every cell.

Suddenly his heart dropped to the sight of Frimel's brains in half and Arisme's decapitated body.

He sat there in shock, and anxiety. Thinking about how this will change Y/N's life.

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