Chapter 18

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It was the next morning. I was throwing up in the toilet, with Padme holding my hair up and Anakin constantly flushing the toilet.

"This is called hangover." Anakin says, "I knew it wouldn't been a good idea."

"Shut up Anakin, this is only her first time." Padme says punching Anakin in the shoulder to make him shut up.

"I'm done." I fell backwards onto Anakin's lap, shutting my eyes.

"I'll take her to her room." Anakin said, picking me up bridal style and bringing me to my bed.

"Ani, can you open a window." I asked while he was still holding me.

"Yes, princess." He says, placing me down on my bed and moving towards my window.

He opens my window, revealing a nice breeze coming into the room. After he walks back to my bed.

"I know you don't feel good love but I promise tomorrow you'll feel better." Anakin said, making my eyes widen.

"Love?" I looked at him in his eyes.

He laughs and walks out of the room, making me more curious to why he said that. But, I was sick and really didn't want to get up, and slowly fell asleep.


Anakin POV:

"I know you love her Anakin." Padme says after I sit back down on the couch.

I turn my head at her wide eyed. "What do you mean?"

"The way you treat her, the way you talk to her I mean, I did just hear you in the bedroom." She laughs.

"I do love her Padme, but I can't risk it." I said.

"Why not? I understand the Jedi order and stuff, but you know they cannot stop you. You are the chosen one." Padme says, tilting her head.

"Still, Padme. Every time she does one of those cute little names or actions, it drives me crazy. But I can't let go of my chance of being a Jedi." I explained, putting my head down.

"Anakin, when she is crowned queen, you will not see her again." Padme says, making me shoot my head up.

"I won't see her again?" I ask.

"She will be a queen, Anakin. She will not need your protection anymore as Grievous is gone, and you'll be going on missions and training to be a Jedi." Padme explains, making me understand better.

"You should make the time you both have now the best, before it runs out." She says.

"If that happens, then I have no idea when I'll see her next. She only has a week left here until the people of Naboo will be needing her." I said.

"She leaves in a week?" Padme asks.

"Yes, but I didn't know I wouldn't be going with her."  I put my head in my palms.

Padme walks over to me and puts a hand on my back.

"Go get the girl of your dreams." She smiled.


I walked into Y/N's room, looking at her peacefully sleeping. I walked to the side of her bed and gently shook her awake.

"Princess, wake up." I said.

"Mmmmmm, Ani?" She mumbles and sits up.

"Goodmorning beautiful." I smiled at her, watching her eyes go wide.

"You absolute flirt Skywalker." She laughs.

"What? You look gorgeous when you wake up." I smiled at her, reaching to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "We need to talk about a few things." I say.

I sit onto the other side of her bed, so I'm next to her.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Y/N, you leave in three days to go back to Naboo to be crowned queen." I say, looking down.

"I'm leaving that soon? What about you Ani? Are you-" She was cut off. "No, love I'm not going." I say.

I saw her face change expressions, it was a mix of sad and nervousness. I reached my hand to waist and pulled her into my lap.

"This will be our last week together, since you no longer have any threats, I won't be going with you too Naboo." I explained, I knew she was about to cry because she started sniffling.

She dug her face into my chest and started to cry, I could feel the hurt in her heart. I knew she loved me, and she knew I cared for her.

"I don't want to leave Ani." She says looking up at me.

"I know, love but we both have different jobs." I said,  moving lose strands of her hair away from her face.

The wind from the window I opened earlier came in, and she started to shiver. I lifted my free hand and shut the window with the force in an instant, making her look at me.

"Ani, why can't you come?" She asked.

"I will have my own missions and training to become a Jedi knight." I said.

"Oh." Is all she said before she stuffed her face back in my chest crying.

"Hey, look at me love." I lifted her chin to look at me.

She looked up at me, hurt in her face. She had tears running down her cheeks and she stared into my eyes.

"There is no need to cry, I'll always be with you even if I'm not there physically." I smiled at her, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I love you." I said smiling, a tear escaping from my eye as well, she looked up at me and gave me the wide eyes.

"Oh Ani." She put her hands around my neck and hugged me so tight that I never thought she would let go.

"Don't suffocate me!" I coughed.

She laughed, sitting back down on her side of the bed, smiling at me.

"I love you too Ani." She says, making my heart beat faster.

"I brought you home something, you might want to go get it." I said.

"I would rather stay here with you Anakin." She smiles, that made me smiles too.

"It's biscuits." I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

She instantly got up, nearly slipping trying to run to the kitchen. I laughed at the sight of her choosing biscuits over me.

This Love For You | Anakin x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin