Chapter 3

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( From now on, chapters will be longer than usual <3 )

Anakin POV:

I killed Dooku, but some reason it doesn't feel right. Like its not the Jedi way.

"Great job Anakin!" The Chancellor clapped.

"Chancellor, I do not fee-" I remembered.

I ran over to the piece of sunken ceiling, lifting it up to reveal Obi-wan and the young girl.

"Leave them Anakin." Chancellor stated.

"Sir, their fate shall be the same as ours."

First I grabbed Obi-wan, he was coughing, gaining his vision again. I dragged him out from beneath the rubble.

Second, I grabbed the girl, she was fully knocked out and had no intentions of walking soon since I noticed both of her ankles were purple.

"Thank you, Ana- (cough) Anakin." Obi-wan thanked me.

"You're welcome, Master." I quickly picked up the girl and put her against my chest, so her head wont get hit by anything.

"Who is this girl?" Chancellor and Obi-wan asked at the same time.

"I don't know, but she needs medical help. She was being abused by Dooku." I explained to them.

Obi-wan eyed me, and started walking with his lightsaber ignited, while Chancellor was taking his sweet old time walking Infront of me.

We walked down the hall, but then we came to a stop because some droids were shooting at us.

"Everyone, elevator!" I shouted.

We all ran into the elevator, barley missing the droids blasters. Obi-wan went to press the buttons, but they weren't working.

"R2, activate elevator on the left wing!" I yelled into my commlink that R2 had built inside him.

Suddenly, the elevator started moving upwards.

"Mmmugh." The young girl in my arms groaned.

She looked up at me, and her eyes went wide.

"Who are you?" She said frightened, she was looking at me like I just killed a whole army of men.

"We are just Jedi's here to save you, Dooku isn't a good man. We are only helping you."


"We are just Jedi's here to save you, Dooku isn't a good man. We are only helping you." The handsome boy said.

I looked into his eyes, they were a beautiful blue. They reminded me of something.. Something from my childhood..

I regained my thoughts.

"What? No.. Dooku saved me! My planet was hit by an asteroid!" I pleaded, Dooku couldn't have been a bad man.

"Planet? Asteroid?" Obi-wan questioned, "There hasn't been a planet hit by an asteroid in billions of years. Whatever he said, he lied to you."



I tried to move from the handsome boys grasps, but yelped at the pain throughout my whole body.

"M'lady, please don't try and move, your whole body had been crushed by a sunken ceiling. Both of your ankles are sprained, I believe some ribs may be broken and you may have a concussion. But I assure you that you are safe with us until further notice." The handsome boy said.

I started getting tired again, and my eyes slowly started shutting.

"Rest well.." Was the last thing I heard until I drifted off.


Anakin POV:

I step off the ship, with the girl still in my arms. We are now back on Coruscant.

Everyone clapping as I made my way inside, they cheered for finally defeating Dooku. I smiled at them all, since I mean.. My hands were full.

I make my way to the medical center, to check if this girl is okay. I thought about it, and I never really got her name..

"Sir Skywalker, how may I assist you?" The nurse said, slightly bowing.

"Get this girl checked out, and see what is wrong with her. Do whatever you have to do to bring her back to full health." I explained, the nurse nodded and understood.

Who is this girl? And why am I caring so much about her? All the people but me, Anakin Skywalker is helping a girl. I have no idea what I am doing, but I know I have to do it.

I walk out, praying to the force that she will wake up healthy again..



My eyes slightly start to flutter open, but I'm not recognizing the color of the room..

White? Bright? And why is my bed so comfort-

I gasped, I sat straight up, but groaned when my ribs hurt, I opened my eyes again.

"Where am I?" I said

"Hello dear.." A nurse lightly tapped me.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed but regained my surroundings when I noticed its just a nurse.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you. But could you please tell me where I am?" I asked her.

"You are in the medical center in the Jedi Temple, on the planet Coruscant." She smiled.

Medical center? Coruscant? Jedi Temp-

"I need to leave-" I hurriedly got up, ignoring the pain in my ankles and ribs.

"No no no, Ma'am. We have already alerted Sir Skywalker about your awakening. You must stay!" She pleaded.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

"I heard she is awake?"

I gasped, its the guy from earlier.

"Yes sir. She is indeed awake, she tried to leave a couple seconds before you got here." The nurse explained.

"Sir, I apologize, I was frightened by where I was when I woke up." I pleaded to the tall boy, he really didn't look that older than me.

"Yes, I understand." He said to me.

He told the nurse we would be leaving, and we walked out the door, and started walking down the hallways of the Jedi Temple.

"I have a question." I asked.

"Ask away." He laughed.

"Why am I here?" I asked him, suddenly his face got all serious.

"Well, you see, you are here because you were a servant to Dooku. But, Dooku usually would've killed you if you have no meaning to him. Also, you explained that he 'saved' you during a asteroid destroying a planet, right?" He asked me.

"Yes, ever since I was very young I was told he saved me during a asteroid warning, he took my from my parents and flew me and him away from the planet before it exploded." I explained.

"Interesting." He said with his eyes narrowed towards me.

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